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Earlier today, I published my first Civilization V mod!

This is not the first mod that I've made for Civ V. I'm actually currently in the process of play-testing my first mod, and have not yet released it.

This mod is titled: "A Better Civ Experience", and is described as:

"This mod allows players to transform their Civ experience, providing greater depth, balance, and realism."

The mod can be found by searching for its title in the Civilization V Mod Browser. Download, install, and then enable the mod (as shown below) in order to play it.

Install and enable the mod

This mod should be fully compatible with any other mods that you may have installed!

Upon starting up the game, the player will not notice any immediate differences.

Just like any other game of Civ V, until you click 'Next Turn'

However, once you click on "Next Turn", you will see the below appear at the start of your next turn:

April Fools!

So now, you can buy Sid Meier's Civilization IV or (better yet) Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Complete and be treated to a deeper, more balanced, and more realistic Civilization experience!


Sorry the joke's a little late...

Stay tuned for real mods from MegaBearsFan!

UPDATE (August 8, 2012): Mod no longer available

This mod is no longer available since Civilization V has switched to using the Steam Workshop for mods. Since this mod was originally an April Fool's joke, and doesn't add anything of any worth to the game, I have no plans to update the mod to be accessible through the Steam Workshop.

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