Read an article today at TG Daily saying that Lucasfilm will start production on 3-D Star Wars with The Phantom Menace.
The plan is to re-release all six Star Wars movies in 3-D in "episode" order: starting with The Phantom Menace and ending with Return of the Jedi.
However, if The Phantom Menace does not perform well enough, the studio may scrap the remaining five 3-D adaptations.
Lucasfilm (particularly you, Rick McCallum): if you're worried that the 3-D Star Wars movies aren't going to do well enough to warrant releasing all three real Star Wars movies and their crappy trilogy of ret-con-tastic "prequels", then why don't you start with the good ones? The ones that are actually worth watching?
Nobody wants to see The Phantom Menace again. Let alone if they have to spend over $10 to see it in theaters! If you ask me, The Phantom Menace is already in two too many dimensions!
The prequels shouldn't be celebrated or remastered. They are complete, inexcuseable trash - every one of them! If anything, they should be scrapped and remade entirely. Don't re-release them in 3-D.
Why not adapt the original trilogy first? You know fanboys as well as cinema buffs and even the casual audience will see those. Regardless of whether it's in 3-D or not!
Who in their right mind would pass up an opportunity to see a cinematic masterpiece like The Empire Strikes Back again in theaters? Or, in the case of younger geeks, see it in theaters for the first time? The very idea brings a nostalgic, geek-fan-boy tear to my eye.
If you have the opportunity to make ^this^ in 3-D... Don't pass it up by first releasing ^this^ in 3-D!
Rick McCallum (and Lucasfilm in general), PLEASE reconsider your decision to start with The Phantom Menace!
I know nobody from Lucasfilm will read this blog, but if anybody out there reads it who can link to it in a more active forum where somebody important might actually read it, please do so.