Tuesday, April 5, 2011 11:46 AM

Do we really need a Portal sequel?

in Video Gaming by MegaBearsFan

Portal 2 box

Portal 2 is due out in stores in about 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to it. I loved the first game. I bought the Orange Box for it, and didn't even bother finishing Half-Life 2 or even touched Team Fortress.

GladOS's voice captivated me. The puzzles twisted my mind. The clever story that tells itself entirely through background details in the gameplay and environment rather than expository cutscenes or dialogue immersed me in the world. Johnathan Coulton's end credit song, Still Alive, is still one of the most requested song whenever I get together with friends to play Rock Band.

It was a triumph. I'm being so sincere right now.

But I can't help but wondering: Do I really want a sequel to Portal?

Do you?


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