Over the years, I have frequently recommended that people stop buying new games from AAA publishers at retail. Don't buy them at all, or if you do, wait for a sale, or buy it used. This is because the massive, international, conglomerate corporations that publish these games are sleazy, scummy, or outright evil.
They underpay their employees.
They abuse their employees with cultures of crunch.
They hang the Sword of Damacles over their employees heads with the perpetual threat of layoffs.
They report record profits to their shareholders and award billion dollar bonuses to executives on a Tuesday, and then lay off hundreds or thousands of workers on Wednesday because they "can't afford" to keep them.
Some publishers even have active cultures of sexual harassment and abuse of female employees, which their HR departments are happy to cover up or sweep under the rug.
They harass and ostracize transgender employees and hold their healthcare hostage.
They fight against unionization.
They overcharge for their products.
They sell un-regulated gambling to minors.
They sell half-baked or broken products at full price.
They cancel promising upcoming products with little-to-no rhyme or reason.
They want to take away the consumer's right to own the media that we buy.
The list goes on... [More]
Tags:Microsoft, Tango Gameworks, Arkane, Alpha Dog, Roundhouse Games, Bethesda, Sony, Japan Studios, retail, corporate culture, corporation, Activision, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Konami, Annapurna Interactive, From Software, Electronic Arts, EA Sports, Japan Studio, eBay, Hi-Fi Rush
This year's holiday season saw a fundamental shift in the way (and reasons) that I buy games. I bought a gaming console as a gift for a child. This Christmas, my girlfriend and I bought our 7-year old a Nintendo Switch (and also managed to get our hands on an SNES Classic). For the first time, I'm not buying games and consoles for myself anymore; I'm buying them for my proxy-child.
My game and console purchases aren't just for me anymore...
I guess I'm old now...
This also means that I now possess my first Nintendo console since 10-year-old me replaced my old NES with a Sega Genesis... [More]
Shattered Memories was derived from a pitch called "Cold Heart", which was not supposed to be a "re-imagining".
This may be old news to some people, but earlier this month, I came across a post on Silent Hill Memories dot net that included scans of the full, 14-page pitch document for the game that became Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Climax held a contest to give away seven copies of the document to fans, and scans of the document have since been posted online in various sources.
The document tells us that the final product ended up being radically different than the original concept. Apparently, Climax did not originally intend to do a remake / reboot / "re-imagining" of the original Silent Hill. Instead the plot would continue on with the standard Silent Hill timeline (presumabely following the events of Homecoming) with a new character. The game's working title was Silent Hill: Cold Heart. The document outlines what some of the game's intended features were supposed to be (including combat mechanics that were completely cut from the final product), describes the main character, and also provides a brief walkthrough of an early chapter of the game.
The introduction page describes the playable character: Jessica Chambers. Jessica was planned to be an over-stressed and emotionally-vulnerable college student. She ends up in Silent Hill after a freak snow storm causes her car to crash on her way to visit her parents.
Page 1 and 2 describe the main character, Jessica Chambers, and how she ends up in Silent Hill.
Jessica is described as being "emotionally vulnerable" and is dependent on a therapist. She has nightmares and is "weighed down by a deep sadness". The pitch doesn't specify the nature of this sadness or her reason for being dependent on a therapist (other than perhaps the stress of college).
I would suspect that the reason for her sadness and the therapy would have been similar to Shattered Memories: that one or both of her parents are probably dead, she has repressed the memory, and experiences nightmares of Silent Hill as a subconscious attempt to confront these repressed memories. You know, repressed memories of dead people is what Silent Hill is all about, right? ... [More]
Tags:Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Silent Hill Cold Heart, Konami, Nintendo, Wii, pitch, sequel, reboot, therapy, horror, puzzle, combat, map, Jessica Chambers, Cheryl Mason, Heather Mason, women, Silent Hill, Climax Studios

Wearers of glasses beware: the Wii U is determined to give you eye strain!
I got a chance to sit down for a while with a friend's Wii-U tonight. I managed to make an avatar and sign up for the Nintendo network, as well as try out an hour or so of ZombiU. I have to say that I was not impressed with either the hardware or the software.
First and foremost, the controller, despite its size, is actually pretty comfortable to hold. It is lightweight, and the cradles nicely in the hand. The screen is bright and vibrant; and sound is clear, but probably better with headphones. Button placement on the right side felt a bit awkward for me. It might just be my familiarity with PlayStation and Xbox controllers, but I didn't like having the buttons below the right stick, and they seemed a bit too close. I frequently missed the 'X' button (the top button), which was annoying because it was the most commonly-used button in the game I played.
I really wasn't digging the screen on the controller though. The avatar creation and network sign up screens annoyed me because most of the data input is done on the controller screen, but the TV screen presents a lot of information. The password screen was particularly annoying, since all the messages were displayed on the TV, and I just didn't see them because I was focused on the controller screen.

I like survival horror, but I'm so sick of zombies...
On top of that, even a brief time with the system exposed me to a glaring problem for myself (and likely many people): I am nearsighted. I need glasses in order to see at a distance. I'm not blind to things that aren't directly in my face, but after about 6 to 8 feet, things start to get fuzzy, making reading text or discerning other very finely-detailed information hard. I wear glasses, but I don't like to wear them to look at things up close. I often take them off when using a laptop, using a cell phone, reading a book, looking at a computer monitor, writing or drawing, and other "point blank" activities. Wearing my glasses for such things often causes my eyes to strain and gives me a headache (and probably further degrades my vision).
I can already tell that games that require the player to constantly shift between focusing on the controller screen and the TV screen will be very uncomfortable for me, since I'll either have to keep taking my glasses off and putting them back on, or I'll have to deal with the eye strain when looking at the controller screen. Perhaps Nintendo needs to release Wii-U-branded bifocals! [More]
Tags:Wii-U, Nintendo, ZombiU, PlayStation, PS3, XBox, motion control, touch screen, sixaxis, survival horror, zombie
This April has been a busy week for video games, and a very weird one, too. And the news has varied from good, to bad, to ugly, and everything in between. Here's some of the stuff that caught my attention:
Table of Contents
Tags:E3, Sony, PSN, PlayStation, PS3, Nintendo, Wii, Microsoft, Valve, Portal, Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, Facebook, Netflix, EA Sports, NCAA Football, Madden NFL, Backbreaker, Civilization, Sid Meier's Civilization, Civilization V, multiplayer, sports, puzzle, physics, patch, XBox 360, Civilization V
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