A slimmer PS3.
It is being reported that Sony is planning on releasing a slimmer version of the PS3 console this holiday season. I have yet to see any detailed technical specs of the new unit other than that it will be lighter and smaller than the existing PS3 Slim models and will have a bigger hard drive out-of-box (250 gig or 500 gig models will be available).
I don't really see the point in this move; although, I guess if the lighter, smaller unit is going to cut production costs, then it's a smart business move for Sony. But from the consumer standpoint, I don't see any reason why someone would want or need to "upgrade" to the new model.
Maybe they'll release additional technical specs at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show?
Tags:Sony, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PS3, PSN, PS2, PlayStation 2, Tokyo Game Show, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, repair, replace, upgrade