The Australian children's cartoon Bluey has been in the news a lot lately. Disney is planning to add Bluey attractions to its theme parks and cruise ships. The show will be getting a full-length feature film with an expected release date in 2027. The show's creator, Jeff Blum, will also be leaving the production of the show in order to focus on the creation of that feature film. Will the show be the same without him? Who knows?
More interestingly, people on social media freaked out when Bluey was nominated for the US Critics Choice awards for 2023's "best animated series". Its competitors were Harley Quinn, Bob's Burgers, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Star Trek: Lower Decks, and Young Love. Many people were upset and (in some cases) "offended" by a children's cartoon being nominated alongside those other, more serious, "adult" shows. They argued that Bluey could be a nominee for "best children's cartoon", but that it should not be a serious contender for "best animated show".
Bluey was nominated for "Best Animated Series" in 2023, alongside Harley Quinn, Lower Decks, and others.
Those people are wrong, because whether you're a child or not, Bluey is a fantastic TV show. It is full of heart and clever writing. It also excels at visual storytelling, making the most out of its short run-times (each episode is less than 8 minutes long) to tell densely-packed (but easily-digestible) stories. It has plenty of silly episodes about children doing child things, but it also has some genuinely moving episodes that should be enjoyable to people of all ages.
To put this into a context that more of my readers would probably understand, when Bluey is at its best, it features emotional moments that make me tear up like the most sentimental episodes of Futurama. Think of moments from Futurama such as the epilogue of "Jurassic Bark", with the dog waiting outside the pizza shop for Fry to return. Or the twist in "Luck of the Fry-ish" when Fry finds the memorial to his "brother" on Mars. Or the montage at the end of "Leela's Homeworld" when we get to see all those little "happy coincidences" that followed Leela around through her youth. Or the ending of "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings", when Fry performs his opera for Leela. Bluey is full of those sorts of moments, and whenever they come around, the show absolutely nails them, every single time!
And I think Futurama is an especially apt comparison because so many of Futurama's best, most tear-jerking moments are about the relationships between family (or in some cases, pets).
season 4, episode 7. © Fox
season 4, episode 2. © Fox
The only cartoon that I can think of that has as much heart as Bluey is Futurama.
Yes, it's true that you probably won't relate to Bluey as much if you aren't a parent. But there's also plenty here for siblings to relate to. Or if you have ever been a care-giver or baby-sitter for a young niece or nephew.
Similar to Pixar movies, Bluey is loaded to the brim with jokes, sight gags, and content that adults (parents in particular) will relate to and be amused by. Whether it's the messiness of the backseat of the car, or being kicked by a child sleeping in bed with mom and dad, or noticing a few extra gray hairs or rolls of fat, adults will see themselves and their family reflected in many of Bluey's expertly-crafted scenes. The show also does not shy away from talking about (or at least hinting at) very adult and serious topics. Several episodes focus on growing old and dealing with declining health. Other episodes touch on infertility and failed pregnancy. Yet others are about the stress or anxiety of starting a new job. Everything may be filtered through the perspective of the children, but adult subjects are brought up, and they can sometimes hit very hard.
So yes, Bluey is really that good! It deserves to be nominated for every award that it is nominated for. I haven't watched all the shows that were nominated against Bluey, so I cannot speak as to whether Bluey deserves those awards more than the other shows, but it definitely deserves to be in the discussion.
Tags:Bluey, BBC, Ludo Studio, Jeff Blum, cartoon, children's cartoon, Australia, children, parenthood, family, imagination, Futurama
The PSVR 2 has had a tumultuous first year and half. With all the uncertainty regarding the hardware, and Sony's future support for it, I wanted to spend some time sharing my thoughts about the hardware and the games that I've played on it, because I've actually really liked the PSVR2, and I think it would be a shame (and a mistake) if Sony kills it prematurely.
I've been a late adopter of VR. I played a few VR games on a few different headsets at friends' houses over the years, but never really got into it. The games were fun to a degree, but they never wow-ed me to the point that I felt I needed to run home and order my own VR headset. They also usually made me nauseous within 20 or 30 minutes of play. It wasn't until playing Star Wars: Squadrons and Ace Combat 7 on a friend's PSVR that I finally actually wanted a VR headset, and the PSVR actually felt comfortable to wear.
But I had already played Star Wars: Squadrons and Ace Combat 7 on standard displays, as well as Resident Evil VII, so there weren't any PS4 VR games that I was really eager to play. Déraciné was really the only PSVR game that I wanted to play at that point. So I decided to wait until I could get a PS5 VR headset instead.
When I actually started playing PS5, I was really liking it. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that when all is said and done, the PS5 might end up being my second favorite console after the PS2. The novel haptic feedback and surprisingly accurate motion sensor functions have even rekindled a long-lost love of Gran Turismo (and racing games in general), and it just so happened that Gran Turismo 7 was supposed to get a really good (free) VR update for the PSVR 2! Since I had been enjoying the system, I was a lot more inclined to spend more money to get the most out of it. I got a nice tax refund in 2023, and put that money towards a PSVR 2 headset.
The PS5 was heavily marketed as being fully backwards-compatible with PS4 games, so I would surely be able to go back to the PS4's VR catalogue and play any of the games I had missed out on. Or so I thought...
This entire review is available in video format on YouTube. [More]
Tags:PSVR 2, PS5, Sony, virtual reality, backwards compatibility, Horizon: Call of the Mountain, Gran Turismo 7, Kayak VR: Mirage, NFL ProEra, Resident Evil VII, Resident Evil VIII Village, Propagation: Paradise Hotel, Star Wars: Squadrons, Ace Combat 7, Deracine, toddler
* This should go without saying, but all photos from within the moving vehicle were either taken by me as a passenger, or by a passenger while I was driving. Please do not try taking photos of your dashboard or dials while operating a moving vehicle.
My 20-year old Toyota Echo isn't a "family road trip" car.
Since my partner became pregnant a couple years ago, we've been saving up to buy a larger family car. I've been driving a 4-door Toyota Echo for almost 20 years, and she owned a 4-door Mazda 3. Both cars were sufficient for commuting around town and for taking weekend trips out of state back when it was just the 2 of us and our daughter. But both have also seen a lot of wear and tear over the years. And with a baby, which comes with a car seat, stroller, diaper bag, and so forth, those small coups are just not comfortable for long trips. Even though I love my little Toyota Echo, and am determined to drive it till it won't drive anymore, I recognize that it isn't a very good "family road trip" car.
We both agreed that we wanted a vehicle that is big enough to transport our larger family, and which has 4-wheel-drive so that we can safely drive through snow to ski resorts for snowboarding and skiing. But we each had other priorities that we had to compromise on. I wanted an electric car, and I promised myself a long time ago that I would never buy a gasoline-powered car if I could avoid it. My partner wanted a large, 3-row SUV. Unfortunately, there aren't many options for 3-row, 4-wheel-drive, electric SUVs. At least not in 2022. There's the Tesla Model X, and the upcoming Rivian ESUV, but those both cost well over $100 thousand. We needed a more affordable options. So I had to compromise on my all-electric priority and agree to go with a hybrid gas SUV, with a preference for a plug-in hybrid model.
These concessions reduced our options down to 2 vehicles: the Kia Sorento PHEV and the Toyota Highlander hybrid. The Highlander is a little bigger and has a 7-seat capacity, which my partner preferred. I've been driving a Toyota Echo for almost 20 years, and my mom's only two cars during my lifetime have been Toyotas, so I trust Toyotas to be reliable cars. I would have been fine with the Highlander hybrid. In fact, if the Highlander had a plug-in electric hybrid model (instead of just a traditional hybrid), we probably would have bought the Highlander instead.
We purchased a 2022 Kia Sorento Plug-In Hybrid.
But the Sorento has the plug-in electric capability, and there just so happened to be one in the queue at one of our local Kia dealerships. We reserved it. Its arrival was delayed several times, and it took about 3 months before it was finally there at the dealership, ready to be driven home. We have so far been very happy with the purchase, with the only real regret being that we had to pay a high dealership markup due to the high car prices in 2022 and the limited availability of this model in particular. Love the car; hate the price we had to pay for it. [More]
Tags:Kia, Sorento, plug-in hybrid, electric vehicle, hybrid, gasoline, regenerative breaking, holiday, road trip, Toyota, Echo
Last summer I wrote that my experience with the COVID-19 pandemic at that time was "pretty pedestrian". At the time, I was optimistic that the pandemic would soon be well under control, despite the absolute ineptitude of our government's initial response. But here we are, a year and a half later, and community spread of COVID is still causing almost as many deaths on a weekly basis as it did at the height of the pandemic a year ago. This is despite the widespread availability of free, CDC and FDA-approved vaccines!
Vaccines are now available for children as young as 5.
My partner and I are vaccinated, as are most of our friends and relatives, but we have a 11-year old child attending public school, and a 2 1/2 month old infant. Neither child is vaccinated yet. The vaccines weren't approved for use in children under 12 until recently, and even then, they are only approved for children as young as 5. We had scheduled for our 11-year old to get the first vaccine shot in early November (the week after it was approved for children in her age group). But in a twisted bit of irony, COVID made it into our household before she could get that shot.
Close calls
We narrowly avoided contracting COVID earlier in October. I was asked by a neighbor to walk their children to school one morning because she and her husband had to go into work early. I was happy to oblige. It's the neighborly thing to do. What I didn't know was that the father is unvaccinated. Had I known, I likely would have refused. And I would have been vindicated in that refusal because their entire household came down with COVID that week. The father is a teacher and was required to do weekly testing. He tested on Monday, I walked the kids to school on Tuesday, the father received his positive result on Wednesday, and the kids and their mother began showing symptoms that weekend.
Lucky for us, none of us got sick. The kids either weren't contagious yet, or we just weren't close enough to contract it from them. And don't worry, our neighbors and their kids are all recovered now.
The next exposure, we weren't quite so lucky.
Our luck runs out
The week before our daughter was scheduled to get her first vaccine shot, my partner contracted COVID. The likely vector for the virus was another child of un-vaccinated parents who went trick-or-treating with our daughter on Halloween. The mother of one of our daughter's friends had been watching him on weekends because his deadbeat mom kept dumping him off on her. He had been feeling sick the week before, but didn't bother to tell us, nor did his mother bother to tell us. I think she just wanted to get him out of the house so that she could get some booty calls.
It's too bad the CDC couldn't have authorized the vaccine for younger children before Halloween.
I imagine we weren't the only ones to catch COVID while trick-or-treating.
We had 2 occasions in which we socialized with children of un-vaccinated parents, and in both cases, we were exposed to COVID. We had been rigorous about making sure that any adults we socialized with were vaccinated. But children couldn't be vaccinated, and we couldn't deny letting our daughter visit with friends. All of her friends' parents were vaccinated, so it never really occurred to us to make a policy of verifying the vaccination status of other childrens' parents. It seems obvious in hindsight, but we just never thought of it.
We avoided COVID for a year and a half,
but our luck ran out this November.
Anyway, he tested positive the day after Halloween, and our kid's friend's mom tested positive a couple days after that. A week after Halloween, my partner started sniffling and coughing while breast-feeding our son. I had her take a home COVID test, and sure enough, it was positive. We promptly put her into quarantine in our guest room (thankfully we have a house large enough to allow us to keep a guest room). And since we couldn't be certain that we had quarantined her before she spread it to myself or our 11-year-old, we were forced to all start wearing masks in the house whenever we were around each other, or whenever any of us was handling the baby.
It sucked. You think it's uncomfortable and inconvenient to wear a mask in public? Imagine having to do it all day in your own home! [More]
There are days in all of our lives in which our life irreversibly changes forever. A few weeks ago, I had such a day. My partner of 7 years and I welcomed into the world a new baby boy. Little Julian was born via C-section in early September at 7 pounds and 3 ounces, and is so far healthy and happy.
My partner and I welcomed our baby son, Julian into the world in early September.
Regular readers might know that I already have a child for all intents and purposes. When I met my partner, she already had a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship. We've had full custody of that child, and so I've been raising as my own. Since I didn't even meet her until she was 3 years old, I missed out on all the baby stuff. In fact, she was just finishing up potty training when I met her, so I never had to deal with diapers. I had a daughter, but I never had a baby.
The only time I've ever had to deal with infants and diapers and bottles was years ago when a co-worker and friend friend had twin daughters through (I think) in vitro fertilization. She was raising the girls as a single mother and needed some extra help, and since she lived a few minutes from me, I offered to go over and help watch the babies from time to time so that she could take care of chores around the house. She taught me how to change diapers, feed babies, hold them, and calm them when they were crying. One of the twins was particularly responsive to me, and always seemed to calm down when I held her.
They were my little "practice babies", and I was sad when their mother decided to move out of state to the midwest to be with family. She had limited support here (even with friends and colleagues like me trying to help out whenever we could), so I can't blame or fault her for the decision.
But now I have a little baby of my own, and so that practice is finally paying off!
With my partner bed-ridden after the C-section, I was responsible for diaper changes in the first couple days.
In fact, I had to put that practice into effect almost immediately. Since my partner had to have a C-section, she was bed-ridden for the first couple days after the delivery. This meant that during those first couple days in the hospital, I was on full-time diaper duty. Newborn diapers weren't exactly what I was prepared for. The thick, black, sticky meconium was quite a bit different than what I remembered from the practice twins. Having a boy also meant I had the risk of being peed on during a diaper change, which isn't really a problem with baby girls (as far as I've been told). Though Julian has actually yet to pee on us directly. He did pee on his own face once though. I was holding is legs up to clean him after a dirty diaper, he started peeing while pointing right at his face. He was not a happy baby. [More]
Tags:newborn, baby, child, parenthood, fatherhood, pregnancy, hospital, COVID-19, pandemic, diaper, meconium, C-section
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