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Quite a bit of interesting news in the gaming world this weekend (well, interesting for me anyway).

One little tidbit of bittersweet news came in the form of the release of a new Trine 2 trailer and the accompanying announcement that the game has been pushed back a few months to late summer.

The new trailer can be seen below:

The announcement of the delay is a bit unfortunate. But if the extra time means that the developers can iron out some lingering control and physics issues from the first game (particularly Sixaxis control for the wizard's magic), then it will be well worth it. The first game (released in summer of 2009) was a surprise hit from out of left field, and easily one of the most fun and charming downloadable titles of that year. The new game already looks like its going to give fans plenty more mystical, physics-based co-op, puzzle-solving adventuring.

The new game looks like its going to feature improved control and physics, more moves and abilities, new types of puzzles, and big bad bosses. Apparently watering flowers is going to be a major mechanic in this game. Hopefully it doesn't end up being gimmicky.

If interested, you can read my full review of the first game at Game Observer (now defunct as of 05/14/2014, read the review here instead). The game does have a (sort of) hidden 3-player co-op mode that is much more fun than the single player game (and more challenging). If you haven't played this game yet, you should definitely check it out! You should still be able to find a downloadable demo on PSN, and the game itself is probably only 10 bucks by now (maybe less).

My friends and I can't wait to get our hands on the sequel!

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