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Last week, on October 6th, PlayStation 3 owners may have been too busy playing the newly-released game Dark Souls to remember that the day marked the second anniversary of the release of (quite possibly) the best PlayStation 3 game to have been released so far: Demon's Souls. In fact, I almost forgot about too, until I logged in today to see this message on the game's boot-up screen:

Demon's Souls 2nd birthday message

In celebration of the event, Atlus and FROM Software have set all players' world tendencies to pure white from October 6th up through October 17th. Pure White world tendency (if you don't know already) gives the player slightly more hit points, decreases the difficulty of some enemies, and opens up new paths containing valuable loot and access to NPCs and side-quests.

But this reward doesn't come without a price, for after October 17th, and all the way up through Halloween, world tendencies will be shifted to Pure Black! This means that players will have less HP, enemies will be stronger, insanely difficult Black Phantom NPCs will start appearing, and some paths will be blocked off (while others will be opened).

If you're still playing Demon's Souls (and there are plenty of you who are), be sure to take advantage of this during the month of October. Enjoy, and be sure to have some spare controllers ready in case you break yours by throwing it on the ground in frustration once October 18th arrives.

Happy second birthday, Demon's Souls! My you see at least one more year of open servers and online support!

And thank you to FROM Software and Atlus, for giving us PlayStation 3 owners the opportunity to play this beautifully-engaging and thoroughly-challenging game, and for continuing to support it.

And to all my readers and friends, I highly encourage you to check this game out (if you own a PS3) before the servers get shut down and the online features are disabled. Watching me play parts of the game when it was released two years ago already encouraged my cousin to buy it, and I've recently gotten another of my friends hooked on the game. I've tried converting two other friends, but neither of them seemed to have really gotten into it. Ah well. I tried.

Stay tuned for my full review of the spiritual successor, Dark Souls in the coming weeks. The game's hard, so the review is taking time - LoL.

Atlus press-release (October 6th, 2011)


ATLUS honors milestone with October World Tendency events; reflects on being part of one of the most significant games of all time

IRVINE, CA. -- OCTOBER 6, 2011 -- ATLUS today joined fans across North America in celebrating the second anniversary of the award-winning hardcore multiplayer action RPG Demon's Souls™ for PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. Two years later, the game, which recently had support for its groundbreaking online functionality extended into 2012, remains one of the most influential, innovative interactive entertainment releases of all time.

In recognition of the title's tremendous accomplishments and in sincere gratitude to the fan community for two years of unyielding passion and support, ATLUS today revealed World Tendency plans for the month of October. Starting today until October 17, Boletaria will shift to Pure White World Tendency, easing the game's difficulty and unlocking otherwise inaccessible areas and items. From then until the end of the month, the World Tendency will become Pure Black, making the game more challenging and again, opening up otherwise hidden secrets.

"When people get together to talk about games that have forever changed the face of the industry, Demon's Souls remains one of the most salient titles to discuss," shared Shinichi Suzuki, President and CEO at ATLUS. "From the beginning, we were honored to be involved with so daring a project. We endeavored to pour every bit as much of ourselves into how we promoted, packaged, and supported the game as developer FROM Software obviously had. Upon its North American release, there was already a strong, growing community of fans. They received the game, its relevance, and its accomplishments with such great passion and earnestness; we made it our highest priority to not let them down. We are incredibly proud to continue to support the game's online functionality and host World Tendency events as long as we can. We're not just the game's publisher: we're fans, too."

"Two years ago today, Demon's Souls' launch day, was one of the most exciting, unpredictable times in our company's two-decade history," commented Tim Pivnicny, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at ATLUS. "We recognized the caliber of the game. We were certain that fears about it being too challenging for our market were unfounded. Still, we had no idea what to expect. Our modest launch was immediately exhausted, as was the physical pre-order gift at participating retailers, a collectible booklet containing a tangible 24-track, 71 minute soundtrack CD and 36 pages of full color artwork printed on deluxe paper. Our painstakingly designed and assembled Deluxe Edition--still the only place our official 160-page strategy guide was ever made available--disappeared before the month was up. It became a phenomenon, our biggest title ever. Most importantly, Demon's Souls has achieved a rare status of prestige, owed to the tireless support and promotion of the game from the best community of fans in the world. It's easy for some to take that kind of support for granted, but for us, it would be straight up 5-2."

Demon's Souls is out now for PlayStation 3 system for the bargain MSRP of $19.99. For more information, visit the game's official website at

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