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Star Trek: Infinite Space

According to an article I read today, the upcoming free-to-play browser-based MMO Star Trek: Infinite Space (being developed by Keen Games) may be canceled if its publisher Gameforge cannot procure financial support from a co-publisher.

The game was supposed to be ready for public Beta testing soon (which I have signed up to participate in). But if a co-publishing deal can't be reached soon, the plans for the Beta (and the release of the game altogether) is likely to be scrapped.

I didn't have terribly high hopes for this game. I typically don't care for Star Trek games that are focused on all-out war, as that's not what Star Trek is supposed to be about. I would much rather see games that focus on space exploration and problem-solving rather than just firing phasers at Klingons. However, I was still hoping that the game may provide more interesting Star Trek-themed space combat than the crap-tacular Star Trek: Online. I was looking forward to being able to try out the Beta, and it would be a damn shame if it never gets released.

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