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Civilization V

In anticipation of the upcoming Brave New World expansion pack for Sid Meier's Civilization V, I've been working on some mod projects.

Today, I published a small resource mod called "Copper Buff" that improves the effectiveness of the copper resource in the game. Currently, copper is a fairly weak luxury resource, since it doesn't get buffed by any buildings in the game. This mod adjusts the Forge and Mint buildings to provide a bonus towards nearby copper as follows:

  • Forge: +1 Production from copper worked by the city.
  • Mint: +1 Gold from copper worked by the city.

Both buildings can be constructed in a city if copper is present within the city's borders.

Civ V mod - Forge improves Copper Civ V mod - Mint improves Copper
Forge and Mint improve nearby copper.

The mod can be downloaded from Civilization V's in-game mod browser by searching for "copper buff", or through Steam by visiting MegaBearsFan's Workshop (

Comments (2) -

12/28/2013 23:40:28 #

I would like to find version 2 of the copper buff for Civ V BNW that doesn't need copper AND iron to build a forge, but I cannot find it and my steam version is not updating to version 2. Can you fix the steam version to update?

12/30/2013 06:35:47 #

The mod should automatically update. However, I've heard that some people have issues with Civ V not updating mods in certain cases. Take a look through this forum and see if it has a solution to your problem:

Best of luck.

Patricia Lovick
Patricia Lovick
02/03/2025 02:17:45 #

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Patricia Lovick
Patricia Lovick
02/03/2025 02:17:53 #

How To Recover Your Bitcoin Without Falling Victim To Scams: A  Testimony Experience With Capital Crypto Recover Services, Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover

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