Tuesday, May 13, 2014 11:54 AM

Malware threat from GameObserver

in General by MegaBearsFan
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One of the reasons that I started my blog was because I had submitted some amateur reviews to the administrator of a start-up gaming website called GameObserver.com. They showed an interest in my opinions, and encouraged me to put them out there for everyone to see. Shortly after submitting a few reviews to their site, and with the encouragement and support from Chichian, I started up this blog so that I could share opinions about things that I felt were important or interesting. So in many ways, I have the administrators of GameObserver to thank for this blog and for all the fulfillment that it has brought me. And if you've enjoyed any of my posts, then you also have GameObserver to thank.

Unfortunately, the administrators of GameObserver seem to have abandoned the site, as it has not been updated for several years, and I have fallen out of contact with them. Now it seems that the site has either been hacked or the domain has expired and fallen into the hands of malware distributors. I have thus removed all links to GameObserver from my blog posts in an attempt to ensure the security of my readers. I hope that I managed to catch this before any of my readers suffered from malware infections due to links that I posted on any articles.

If anybody finds any posts that still have links to GameObserver, please notify me through the comments on this post so that I can remove said link. The last thing I want is for any of my readers' machines to become infected with malware.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll come back again soon!


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A gamer's thoughts

Welcome to Mega Bears Fan's blog, and thanks for visiting! This blog is mostly dedicated to game reviews, strategies, and analysis of my favorite games. I also talk about my other interests, like football, science and technology, movies, and so on. Feel free to read more about the blog.

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