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Civilization VI - title

Civilization VI's third expansion, Gathering Storm recently released and has added a handful of new civilizations and leaders. I am hoping to write a strategy for each of them, but I also want to continue to write guides for the civilizations that were already in the game. I put up a poll on my Patreon page for my patrons to vote on which civ(s) they would like to see. The three top vote-getters (from all the three people who voted) were Khmer, Aztec, and Norway. It's been a while since I've done a strategy for a religion-oriented civ, so I thought I'd do a strategy for Jayavarman VII of the Khmer. The Khmer were present as a playable civilization in Civilization IV's Beyond the Sword expansion, but they were not present in Civilization V. They appeared as a DLC civ prior to Rise & Fall's release, but this strategy should work for players of the new Gathering Storm expansion as well.

The city of Angkor, the capital of the Angkor Empire (also called the Khmer Empire), is believed to be the largest pre-industrial urban center in the world, stretching for roughly 400 square miles and housing roughly 0.1% of the entire global population at its zenith. This empire controlled most of mainland southeast Asia from the ninth century CE to the 15th century CE, reaching its zenith between the 11th and 13th centuries. Many impressive ruins still stand in the site of Angkor, and many have been restored by local archaeological organizations and UNESCO, including the impressive Angkor Wat, the largest single religious monument in the world. Satellite imagery has also revealed an intricate network of irrigation channels which were likely used to manage the regions unpredictable monsoons, as well as to support the population.

Around 1150 CE, the kingdom of Angkor was invaded by the neighboring Cham empires, who succeeded at toppling the capital. General Mahaparamasaugata (believed to already be over the age of 60) lead a successful campaign to push the Cham out of the Khmer capital, and he ascended to the throne in order to continue the war and conquer much of the Champa territory. He relocated the capital to Angkor Thom, where large monuments were constructed in his honor, including the temple of Bayon. He went on to re-unify the empire, building a network of roads connecting every major town, complete with rest-houses every 9 miles and hospitals for travelers. He reigned successfully until his death at the impressively-ripe old age 97 or 98, and is regarded as the last great king of Cambodia. He was posthumously re-named Jayavarman VII, after a line of Cambodia's greatest kings.

Civilization VI is still a "living game". Strategies for the game (and for specific leaders and civs) may change as Firaxis applies balance patches, introduces new features, or expands the game through further DLC or expansion packs, or as the Civ community discovers new strategies or exploits. As such, the following strategy guide may change from time to time. I will try to keep it up-to-date, and will make notations whenever changes are made. I'll also post links in the official 2K forums and CivFanatics, where I'll also report any changes made. If possible and practical, I will try to retain the original content of the strategy for posterity.

I welcome any feedback or suggestions that readers wish to offer. Feel free to post on the linked forums, or by posting a comment at the bottom of the page.

This guide is up to date as of the release of the Gathering Storm expansion (ver. (Antarctic Late Summer Patch, April 2019)

Khmer is a strong religious civ who gets extra food from Holy Sites, and extra faith from Aqueducts, as well as other bonuses to food and amenity. It can build and support large populations in its cities, and gets relics from its missionaries and apostles much more frequently, which can contribute to a culture victory.

Civilization VI - Khmer flag old gold and blue

Also note that I was working on this guide before the release of Gathering Storm and through the release of the Antarctic Late Summer Patch. That patch changed the primary colors of the Khmer. Some screenshots may show the old colors of gold and blue (which I preferred), and other screenshots may show the new colors of purple and gold.

Civilization VI - Jayavarman VII of Khmer

Jayavarman VII of Khmer's uniques in Civilization VI

Khmer capital start bias: river.

Civilization VI - Khmer flag

Khmer civilization unique: Grand Barays

"A+3 Faith and +1 Amenity from entertainment to each city with an Aqueduct. Farms receive +2 Food if adjacent to an Aqueduct."

The Khmer do not have a unique Aqueduct district (like Rome's Bath), but their national ability buffs the standard Aqueduct to provide it with faith, food, and amenity bonuses. In addition to providing the normal housing benefits, Khmer Aqueducts also provide a flat +3 faith, which is equivalent to a Holy Site that is completely surrounded by woods. Having Aqueducts in most of your cities will greatly speed up your accumulation of faith, allowing for quicker training of religious units to convert other civs and compete for a Religious Victory. It also allows Khmer to purchase religious buildings or great people with faith. Later in the game, it can also help contribute towards a Culture Victory by allowing Khmer to purchase Naturalists and Rock Bands (if you have the Gathering Storm expansion).

Even if you're not competing for a religious victory, Aqueducts will provide bonus food to adjacent farms, as well as an extra amenity to support the extra population that the bonus food will yield. You will likely want Aqueducts in most (if not all) of your cities, and you'll want them to be adjacent to farm resources or flat land, so plan your city-placement accordingly.

Civilization VI - Aqueduct across river
Aqueducts cannot cross rivers and then "loop back" on themselves. In this screenshot,
I can place an Aqueduct on the two highlighted tiles, but not the plain tile or the tile with horses.

The placement of Aqueducts is slightly more restrictive than the Civilopedia suggests. The Civilopedia says that an Aqueduct must be built adjacent to a city center and connect to a river, lake, oasis, or mountain. What the Civilopedia does not tell you is that if the Aqueduct crosses a river, the Aqueduct must connect to a river tile that is not also adjacent to the city. That is, the Aqueduct cannot "loop back on itself".

As of the Gathering Storm expansion, Aqueducts also grant an extra amenity if built next to a geothermal fissure, and they will prevent food loss from drought.

Jayavarman VII's leader unique: Monasteries of the King

"Holy Sites provide +2 Food and +1 Housing if adjacent to a river. Building a Holy Site triggers a Culture Bomb, claiming surrounding tiles."

Civilization VI - Jayavarman VII portrait

To complement the increased faith from Aqueducts, Jayavarman's leader ability grants extra food to Holy Sites. A Holy Site will provide 2 food (equivalent to a Granary, and enough to support a whole citizen) as well as an extra housing to support that extra citizen. This bonus can help cities in deserts and tundra (or other food-starved cities) to grow slightly larger if you build a Holy Site.

Holy Sites will also act as culture bombs, but will only annex tiles that are within 3 tiles of a city. If you put the Holy Site in the third ring, it will not annex tiles further out. You can use these culture bombs to annex valuable tiles such as resources and natural wonders.

Culture bombs can also be used to steal tiles from another civilization or city state if the civ or city state's tile(s) are within three hexes from your city center. Doing so has no diplomatic repercussions when employed against the A.I., but don't expect human players to take it lightly -- especially if you steal away high-value tiles such as strategic resources, natural wonders, or tiles that otherwise have strategic value.

The culture bomb cannot be used to steal tiles that contain districts or wonders, and any improvements on the stolen tile(s) will be destroyed. Sorry, you can't use this to steal powerful unique improvements like Sumeria's Ziggurat or the Netherlands' Polders.

Unique building: Prasat

Game Info:

"A building unique to the Khmer. Replaces the Temple. Required to purchase Apostles and Inquisitors with Faith. Missionaries purchased in this city receive the Martyr ability which grants a Relic if this Missionary dies in Theological Combat."

Civilization VI - Prasat


Requirements: Theology civic,
must be built in a Holy Site with a Shrine.

Cost: 120 Production / 480 Gold [Standard speed].
Maintenance Cost: 2 Gold.

Effects: +6 Faith (+2 over Temple),
+1 Citizen slot, + 1 Great Prophet point per turn,
+2 Relic slots (+1 over Temple),
Allows the purchasing of Apostles and Inquisitors with Faith,
Grants "Martyr" promotion to all Missionaries purchased in this city.

As far as religious buildings go, the Prasat is about as good as it gets. The "Martyr" promotion might very well be the best promotion available for religious units, as it provides a free relic if that unit is killed in theologic combat against another religious unit. However, you do not get the relic if the martyr is condemned by a military unit! Relics provide faith and tourism, and getting a few of them early can be a huge boost towards a potential Culture Victory. The Prasat will also have an extra relic slot (compared to the regular Temple), so you'll be able to stockpile more relics overall. You might even have enough that you'd be willing to sell some relics, which can usually fetch a handsome bounty in trade!

Unfortunately, the game does not bother to display promotions on Missionaries. If you bought Missionaries prior to building Prasat buildings, then you'll have to remember which Missionaries are which. Or look for a mod...

Civilization VI - Domrey icon

Unique unit: Domrey

Game Info: "Khmer unique Medieval era siege unit. Can move and shoot in the same turn and exerts zone of control."

Civilization VI - Domrey unit portrait

Requirements: Military Engineering civic
Replaces: N/A.
Obsoleted: N/A.
Upgrades to: Artillery.

Cost: 220 Production / 880 Gold [Standard speed].
Maintenance Cost: 3 Gold.

Attack Type: Ranged, Promotion Class: Siege,
Melee Strength: 33,
Bombard Strength: 45,
Attack Range: 2,
Movement Speed: 2.

Bonuses: Can move and shoot on same turn,
Exercises zone of control.

Despite what Sean Bean's narration during the loading screen may imply, you will not be crushing enemies beneath war elephants. The Domrey is a siege unit! It is not a normal ranged unit or melee unit. It will not do as much damage to enemy units using its ranged attack, as it is geared towards bombarding cities and encampments instead. Do not put your Domrey on the front lines or leave them unprotected, as they will be easy pickings for enemy Knights and ranged units. You will still want a front line of swords or pikes, along with Crossbowmen, in order to pick off enemy units as your army advances towards the enemy cities.

Civilization VI - Domrey defense
Domrey is a siege unit, and is weak against other units.

The Domrey's combat strength lies exactly between the Catapult and Bombard (for both melee defense and bombardment strength), which makes it effective against Medieval Walls. It is, however, almost twice as expensive to train as a Catapult! Since it doesn't replace the Catapult, you can't upgrade into it. You must spend the production or gold to train them from scratch. Despite the fact that the unit appears as an elephant, it is not considered a "mounted" unit, and so does not get a production bonus from the Maneuver or Chivalry policies. Without any policies for boosting production of siege units, there isn't much you can do to speed up their production other than chopping, so make sure you have at least one high-production medieval city for producing these units.

Once you get the Domrey into the field, it is a very effective siege weapon, being able to take down Medieval Walls in just 3 or 4 rounds of bombardment. It's principle advantage is that it is mounted on top of an elephant, and so can move and shoot in the same turn. You won't have to risk a round of bombardment from the city before being able to use this siege weapon, as long as there is flat terrain from which you can get an un-obstructed shot. Station the unit 3 tiles from a city, then move 1 space in and fire before the city can bombard the Domrey. With multiple Domrey in a siege, you might even have those walls down before the city can even fire back!

Domrey also exercise zone of control. Since you shouldn't be putting it on the front line anyway, this probably won't make much of a difference in most games.

General strategy for Khmer: collecting relics and irrigating the world

Khmer is one civ (along with Rome) in which you will likely want an Aqueduct in most (if not all) of your cities. As such, you do not have to put as high a priority on settling adjacent to fresh water. In fact, depending on the distribution of resources and the terrain, you might even want to specifically settle away from rivers and lakes. You'll want to try to position your cities such that you can build an Aqueduct between the city and a river, lake, oasis, or mountain, such that the Aqueduct will be adjacent to at least one or two farms. The Aqueduct will provide each adjacent farm with +2 food, which will be further buffed by the Feudalism civic (for farms clustered in threes), and then again by the Replaceable Parts tech (bonus food for each adjacent farm).

If you can position the Aqueduct adjacent to farm resources (such as wheat or rice), then that's even better! You should also consider harvesting the food resource for the immediate yield, and then build a farm on top of where the food resource used to be. The Gathering Storm expansion will make harvesting risky, however, since a storm, flood, or other disaster could kill the population, effectively wasting the harvested yield. I recommend not harvesting food near cities that are at high risk of losing population due to floods, volcanic eruptions, or hurricanes.

Civilization VI - Aqueduct food
Place Aqueducts adjacent to clusters of farmable resources if possible.

Water Mills will not be necessary in all your cities, as the higher food output means you'll be able to spare more citizens to work production tiles (if they are available). That being said, you'll still want to be able to find city locations that are adjacent to a river whenever practical, because building Water Mills is still ideal. The extra production from a Water Mill will be a huge boon while that city grows up to a point that it can work highly-productive tiles, and will make a huge difference in the early game.

If you do place your cities along rivers, then be advised that Aqueduct placement has more restrictions than the Civilopedia and tooltips imply. For more information, see the description of the Grand Barays ability.

Civilization VI - Angkor Wat

As your cities grow, you'll be able to work more tiles, and will reach the thresholds for additional districts sooner. Plop those new districts ASAP in order to lock in their costs. The Angkor Wat world wonder will boost all cities' population and housing by 1. It can only be built adjacent to an Aqueduct, and so should be an easy wonder for Khmer to claim.

Anything that provides bonuses per population will be that much more powerful with the Khmer. This includes governor Reyna's Tax Collector promotion (+2 gold per citizen), and Pingala's Connoisseur and Researcher promotions (+1 culture or science, respectively, per citizen). Policies that provide bonuses for large population cities will also be valuable. These include Simultaneum, Rationalism, Free Market, and Grand Opera (bonus faith, science, gold, or culture, respectively, from pop 10 cities). More of your cities will be able to utilize these bonuses earlier.

Civilization VI - Colosseum

Large cities will mean you'll need more amenities. Try to maintain peaceful relations with at least a couple other civs who can act as trade partners, so that you can trade or buy luxuries. You may also need to invest in Entertainment Complexes sooner than you otherwise might, or adopt policies like Liberalism (+1 Amenity in cities with 2 specialty districts), Retainers (+1 amenity with garrisoned unit), or Sports Media (bonus amenity from stadiums). The Colosseum can also boost the amenity in several cities, which will help to support your rapid early-game growth. The Estádio do Maracanã is also a good wonder to pursue in the late-game, and will grant +2 amenity to all cities.

We're all martyrs

The Khmer can be one of the stronger religious and cultural civs thanks to the ability of the Prasat building. Going for a Holy Site early is not a bad idea, even on higher difficulties (in which the A.I. handicaps are likely to allow them to found all the religions before you). If you're able to found a religion, then you can try to compete for the Religious Victory, if not, then more on that later.

Civilization VI - race for Great Prophet
Founding a religion is exceedingly difficult on Emperor difficulty and above, but it's still worth going for.

The specific pantheon you chose will depend on your map circumstances (as always), but be sure to take a second look at the River Goddess pantheon (+1 Amenity from Holy Sites adjacent to river). You'll want to place your Holy Sites next to rivers anyway in order to benefit from the Monastaries of the King ability. With River Goddess and Monastaries of the King, your Holy Sites next to rivers will generate +2 Food, +1 Housing, and +1 Amenity, in addition to the base faith! If not built along a river, they will produce nothing but the base faith.

Civilization VI - reliquaries
Reliquaries will maximize the potency
of your martyred Missionary.

Once you found a religion, there's a few beliefs that will probably work out nicely for you. The Reliquaries follower belief (triple faith and tourism from relics) will maximize the potency of the martyred Missionaries that you'll be buying from your Prasats. Religious Communities (+1 Housing from Shrines and Temples) or Zen Meditation (+1 Amenity in cities with 2 specialty districts) will help support your rapidly-growing cities, and can be good fall-back options if Reliquaries has already been claimed. Pagoda and Stupa worship buildings will have a similar effect of boosting housing or amenity (respectively), while the Gurdwara will further increase your food.

Feed the World (food from Shrines and Temples) can also further boost your city growth, but you'll probably hit your housing or amenity caps early, so boosting housing and/or amenity is probably preferable. Jesuit Education (can buy science and culture buildings with faith) is also always a good belief to have, but you'll probably be spending more of your faith on Missionaries and Apostles rather than on buildings.

Civilization VI - Mont St. Michel

Once a religion is in place, it's time to start spamming Missionaries! Prasat gives "Martyr" to Missionaries -- not to Apostles. If you want the "Martyr" promotion on your Apostles, you'll still have to hope that it shows up in the random list. Otherwise, you can build the Mont St. Michel wonder, which grants "Martyr" to all Apostles (in addition to another promotion that you chose). Mont St. Michel may not be necessary, however, as you can sacrifice your weaker Missionaries to gain relics, and preserve your stronger Apostles for converting cities and defeating other civs' religious units. Instead, look for promotions that boost theological combat strength, grant extra charges, or otherwise boost the Apostle's conversion strength.

There's two ways you can go about using your Missionaries and Apostles. First, is that you can focus them all against a single civ. Send in your Missionaries first, use a couple conversion charges, then let them be killed by your rival's Apostles or Inquisitors in order to gain the free relic. If you adopted the Monastic Isolation enhancer belief, then you won't lose pressure in nearby cities when your Missionaries are killed. Then, send in you Apostles. If you have the Debater promotion (+20 theological combat strength), then kill your rival's Apostles and Inquisitors in order to apply pressure to nearby cities. Then spend charges to finish converting the cities, putting priority on rival cities with Holy Sites. You may want to keep 1 charge on Debater-promoted Apostles and heal them with Gurus in order to fight off any future Apostles, Missionaries, or Inquisitors that your opponent sends your way.

Civilization VI - 1 charge missionary Civilization VI - martyred Missionary
Leave Missionaries with 1 charge and let them be martyred by rival Apostles or Inquisitors for free relics.

The second strategy (if you don't have Monastic Isolation belief, but still want to actually convert cities) would be to send your Missionaries in the opposite direction as your Apostles. Find a civ that is producing Apostles or Inquisitors and send all your Missionaries to that civ. Use one or two charges if you can to convert cities or city states on your way, then let the rival Apostles or Inquisitors kill your Missionaries so that you'll earn the relic from the martyr promotion. Losing these units will weaken your religion in nearby cities, so it's not worthwhile to try to use Apostles to convert these cities. Instead, send your Apostles and Gurus to another (far away) civilization and work on converting that civ.

Remember that you do not get the martyr relic if your unit is killed by being condemned, so don't send your religious units into enemy territory during war time (unless they are escorted) or if you feel your rival may declare war when you start converting their cities. Watch out for the World Religion resolution in the World Congress, as this may allow all civs to condemn your Missionaries and Apostles. Also be wary of Religious Emergencies if you convert another civ's holy city. This will also put you at war with the given civ, which will allow them to condemn any units still in their territory. Save up your Diplomatic Favor and vote against these resolutions whenever they are proposed. If you declare an alliance with a civ, that civ cannot declare war on you for the duration of the alliance. This is a prime opportunity to send in the religious units!

Civilization VI - target of religious emergency
Save up Favor to vote against religious emergencies targeting you.

You can also use religion for other purposes. Crusade and Defender of the Faith enhancer beliefs can grant you combat bonuses when fighting near cities of your religion, which can help with a Domination Victory when combined with the Warrior Monks, Domrey, and Wars of Religion military policy. Cathedrals will give you extra slots for religious art (if you're able to generate any), which will combine with all your free relics to contribute towards a Culture Victory. Jesuit Education and Wats will help with a Science Victory. You might also have opportunities to compete for religious emergencies or scored competitions, which may reward Diplomatic Victory points.

Civilization VI - Taj Mahal world wonder

Religion can also be used to earn a lot of era score. Patronizing great people with faith, converting cities belonging to a civ you are at war with, enhancing a religion, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting, can grant large chunks of era score throughout the game. This can help get you into a Golden Age, ensure that you remain in a Golden Age, or bring you out of a Dark Age and into an Heroic Age. The Taj Mahal wonder will grant additional era score from these accomplishments.

Civilization VI - conversion historic moment
Religion can be a source of a lot of era score.

It's a trap!

Religion-to-culture transition

A surface reading of the Khmer definitely makes them look like a Religious Victory contender, but it's a trap!

The Religious Victory is exceedingly difficult in the higher difficulties (Emperor and above). The bonuses that the A.I.s receive give them a huge advantage with regard to building early Holy Sites, and spamming religious units is one of the few things that the A.I.s are genuinely good at doing. Founding a religion on a higher difficulty will likely require a lot of help from the map, in the form of finding a very early natural wonder in order to get the inspiration for Astrology, meeting some religious city states, and getting free Builders, population, or relics from tribal villages. It will also help if other aggressively-religious civs like Spain, Russia, Arabia, India, and others are not in the game.

Even if you're not playing for a Religious Victory, it still isn't a bad idea to invest in a few Holy Sites in your cities in order to build the Prasat. Whether you found a religion, or adopt another civ's religion, you can pump out Missionaries and just suicide them into rival Apostles and Inquisitors for the free relics. You can use the first couple charges to try converting cities, but leave the Missionary in rival territory with just one charge left as bait. You may have to convert one of that player's cities in order for them to see your Missionaries as a threat. Losing theological combat will weaken your religion's pressure (unless you have the Monastic Isolation enhancer belief).

If you didn't found your own religion, you should try to maintain different religions in different cities. This way, if one civ starts to pull ahead towards the Religious Victory, you can start buying Apostles of a different religion to counter them. The last thing you want is to let your civ be converted by a civ who goes on to win a Religious Victory! If you have a choice of which religion to put in your cities, try to get whichever religion has adopted the Reliquaries belief, which will triple the faith and tourism yield of any relics in that city. If you have multiple religions in your cities, be sure to focus on putting your relics in whichever of your city(ies) have the Reliquaries follower belief. You can check the beliefs of other religions by opening the religion panel and selecting each of the religions.

Civilization VI - Cristo Redentor

Building the Cristo Redentor world wonder will prevent the Enlightenment civic from halving the effect of your relics' tourism in other civilizations, and should be a key wonder for any civ pursuing a relic-based Culture Victory.

If your Palace and Prasats are full of relics, you can even consider selling some to other civs who don't already have great works (don't sell them to civs with great works, or you'll be selling your advantage away). Just be careful about selling to weak civs who might have their cities conquered by other tourism powerhouse civs.

The Khmer are in a relatively unique position such that a failed attempt at one victory will actually give you a hefty boost towards another, so it's worth going for religious play either way. Just be sure that you aren't focusing on religion to the exclusion of all else. Make sure you're still getting Commercial Hubs / Harbors, Campuses, and Theaters up and running, and that you're training and maintaining a sizable military. If you realize that you can't compete with another civ's religion to achieve a Religious Victory, then you can easily transition to a Cultural Victory with your martyred Missionary relics. Or you can focus on a Domination Victory with a special emphasis on medieval conquest using your Domrey.

Civilization VI - Domrey siege
Use Domrey for medieval conquest.

Regardless of your victory plans, you should make an effort to expand your empire by conquering some city states or other civs during the medieval period. Your Domrey will give you a decisive advantage against Ancient or Medieval Walls that should allow you to steamroll over at least one rival -- more if you're playing on a slower game speed. If you want to play more of a "world police" role, then your Domrey can also be a potent unit for liberating cities or completing military emergencies.

Theological combat dilemma: Playing against Jayavarman VII's Khmer

Jayavarman VII's A.I. agenda: An End to Suffering

"Likes civilizations with many Holy Sites and a high average city Population. Dislikes civilizations lacking in either of these areas."

The Khmer can be tricky to play against. A Khmer opponent (especially an A.I.) will likely play a religious game and will spam you with Missionaries and Apostles. The game doesn't show you which promotion(s) a foreign unit has (at least not without mods), so you'll have no idea which of their religious units has the martyr promotion. This may seem like a lose-lose for you. You can let them convert your cities, or you can fight them off and risk giving them free relics. As such, if you want/need to preserve your religion, you should try to use military units to condemn Khmer Missionaries and Apostles whenever possible. Do not kill them in theological combat!

Civilization VI - taking Khmer relic
If your military is strong enough,
go ahead and martyr the Khmer's Missionaries...

Also, be wary of making an alliance with the Khmer (particularly in competitive multiplayer). An alliance will prevent you from declaring war on Khmer for the duration of the alliance, which will give them an open season to proselytize in your cities, and your only counter will be to attack them in theological combat.

On the other hand, if your military outpowers the Khmer, then maybe you should go ahead and kill their martyrs in theologic combat. You'll give them free relics, but you can then turn around and conquer their cities in order to take those relics for yourself (or demand the relics as terms of peace).

In general, the Khmer should have large, fairly well-developed cities, which will make them all-around tempting targets for conquest or loyalty-flipping. Their Domrey is a powerful medieval siege unit, but it's crap against units. As such, the Domrey is not much of a threat if you put the Khmer on the defensive. It's only problematic if the Khmer invade your territory and attack your cities. The Domrey does provide zone of control, so keep that in mind if you're trying to implement a flanking attack against the Khmer army.

Civilization VI - taking Khmer relic
... and then capture the martyr relics from the Khmer cities later.

Look for the Khmer to compete for a Religious or Cultural Victory. If you successfully hold off their attempt at a Religious Victory, then they should be able to use their relics to go for a Culture Victory. If they start to pull ahead, you may want to build the Cristo Redentor wonder just to deny them access to it. If playing against the A.I., you may be able to weasel Jayavarman into selling away some relics or great works, which can also slow down this victory.

Discussions & Change Log

Thanks for reading. I hope this guide helps you to build a Khmer civilization that will stand the test of time!


These strategy guides for Civilization VI have been taking longer to research and write than I would like. Part of this is due to the fact that I'm not as familiar and experienced with Civ VI as I was with Civ V when I started writing strategy guides for that game, so I have to spend more time trying to learn the different mechanics and rules associated with each new civ that I play. I also have a lot more things competing for my time.

If you enjoy this strategy guide, and would like to see more like it, please consider making a contribution and become a Patron on Patreon. As a Patron, you'll have the ability to vote on which civilization(s) you'd like to see a strategy guide for next, will receive early previews of certain content, and will have an opportunity to discuss or contribute to its development. With some additional funding, I could dedicate more time to writing guides like this one, and can maybe even branch out into more video content on Youtube.

In any case, feel free to comment and share, or discuss you Khmer strategies in the CivFanatics forums at:

or on the official 2K forums:

[Show Change Log] [Hide Change Log]

22 April, 2019:

Added paragraphs about governors that provide per-population bonuses, and policies that provide bonuses for large-pop cities.

Added link to Civfanatics discussion thread.

23 April, 2019:

Changed start bias from tundra to river. This was a copy-paste oversight from the Canada guide, caught by user Jaaboo on the CivFanatics forums.

24 April, 2019:

Added notes about Khmer using alliances to prevent other civs from declaring war on them and condemning their religious units, based on feedback from user m_mus on CivFanatics forums.

5 May, 2019:

Was finally able to login to the 2k forums and post a discussion thread for this civ there. I added the link to the bottom of this post.

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