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Geek Fights - Worst episode of Star Trek

Star Trek Voyager - Dark Frontier

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of participating in a podcast called Geek Fights, and the topic was "Worst episode of Star Trek". During that debate, I railed pretty heavily against a particular episode of Star Trek Voyager called "Dark Frontier", and alleged that that episode (and Voyager in general) ruined the Borg - one of Star Trek's most compelling villains. Although, I don't think I was as hard on "Dark Frontier" as Allen was on Republicans...

But, due to time constraints, I tried to restrain myself, and I mentioned that I would go into more detail on my blog.

Well, Geek Fights fans, the podcast was recently released, and so here is that blog!

First of all, the podcast itself is included in the embedded player below, or you can listen to it from its original source at Geek Fights.

The story arc from "Dark Frontier" is a representation of the 2 things that I most hate about the last few seasons of Voyager. The first being that they were too heavily focused on Seven of Nine and the Doctor. Yeah, she looked great in that skin-tight unitard. Yeah, sure, she and the Doctor are probably the best and most interesting characters in the entire series. And I will defend Jeri Ryan's acting performance to the last -- she totally nailed the part! And yeah the Doctor is Voyager's equivalent of TNG's Data (arguably that show's most popular character). And Robert Picardo probably provides the second-best acting performance on the series. But there are like 7 other major characters on the show, make an episode about one of them for a change...

The other problem I had with Voyager was the Borg. The Borg were probably the best, most perfect villain for Roddenberry's Star Trek because Star Trek was supposed to be a "human voyage". The Borg were antithetical to everything that the show was about: the human spirit, the spirit of discovery, self-betterment, compassion, friendship, loyalty, and so on.

Star Trek The Next Generation - Best of Both Worlds part II

The Borg had none of that. They were mindless, infallible automatons with a collective will, who single-mindedly sought out technology and mercilessly destroyed anything and anyone that got in their way. They were a representation of technology gone amok.

They had NO humanity.

But that's not even the worst of it!

If the Borg killed you, you were one of the lucky ones!

Picard's tear

If they capture you, they take everything away from you that they possibly can. They strip away your individuality. They strip away your free will. They force the voices of billions or trillions of people into your mind, constantly telling you what to do, and you can't say "no". They use you to impose that same punishment on other people. And there is nothing you can do about it.

This would go on for the rest of your life -- maybe even longer. Who knows what the expected lifespan of a Borg drone is after he or she has been assimilated...

That was what made them threatening. That was what made them scary. And the fear of them brought out the worst in humanity, as evidenced in the TNG episode "I, Borg", in which the crew of the Enterprise plan to use a perfectly likeable teenage boy as an instrument of genocide against his entire race.

The Federation, an organization dedicated to peaceful exploration and diplomatic tolerance, authorized the indiscriminate murder of any Borg that they came across. They were considered that dangerous.

. . .

And then First Contact came along.

Star Trek First Contact poster

First Contact was hailed as one of the best Star Trek movies that had been released. Some even argued that it was the best. Better than The Wrath of Kahn. Better than The Undiscovered Country. Better than The Voyage Home. It was emotionally-charged. It had action and space zombies. It had explosions. Picard goes nuts and kills Borg with a tommy gun!

But, that's just the thing. Star Trek: First Contact really doesn't feel like Star Trek when you stop and think about it. It ignores and contradicts what had already been established in previous episodes of TNG. It completely ignores the fundamental personality of all the characters, and of the show itself! And it starts cements a trend of TNG-based movies completely disregarding the seven years' worth of character development that was established by the series -- a trend started when Generations  abandoned seven years of character development for Data by making him suddenly want to install the emotion chip.

Star Trek: First Contact is like a totally different franchise. The characters are almost unrecognizeable.

In the series, Picard is a peaceful, intellectual leader who is exceptional at delegating tasks. He will avoid conflict whenever possible and tries to find diplomatic and peaceful solutions. To him, every life is precious, and he will defend the life of any one crewman even at the cost of his own life.

But in First Contact, he's like space-Rambo with a Jedi-like ability to sense disturbances in the Force and a complete disregard for the well-being of his crew. He even fires an energy rifle single-handed in a sleeveless top. Oh wait, sorry. That was actually Insurrection. In First Contact, he still has his shirt on, and he uses two hands. Regardless, the only thing he's missing is an incomprehensible speech impediment and bandana.

Now, I know what you're gonna say: "But it makes sense because the Borg assimilated and violated him, and he hated them, and now he is getting revenge because he's human, and he's falling victim to human emotion. That's what Star Trek is all about."

And if this movie had taken place sometime in the fourth or fifth season of TNG, that would be true!

Star Trek The Next Generation - I, Borg

But late in season 5, Picard goes through a major character development step in the episode "I, Borg". In that episode, he realizes that by commiting genocide, he would be no better than the enemy he sought to destroy. Starfleet command even challenges him on this! They threaten to strip away his command because he didn't commit genocide. And this is the man who had been abducted and forced to lead an assault that destroyed an entire fleet of Starfleet ships! If anybody is going to pull the "destroy the Borg" trigger, it would have been Picard.

But he doesn't.

All that is apparently forgotten by the time First Contact comes around.

First Contact also begins with an unecessary scene in which Picard describes that Starfleet doesn't trust him to fight against the Borg. Which flies in stark contrast to the 2-part season 6/7 cliff-hanger "Descent", in which Starfleet specifically appoints Picard the head of an anti-Borg task force because his experience makes him "best suited" to deal with them.

So did the writers of First Contact even watch the last 3 seasons of TNG?

And I'm not even going to bother going into the supidity of the time travel plot and why the Borg would even bother using such technology, how the characters completely mess up how first contact was supposed to happen, that everyone will conveniently forget that the launch site for the most influential scientific endeavor in the history of mankind was sabotaged by space robot zombies from the future, how Zeframe Cochrane doesn't seem anything like the character that we saw in the Original Series episode "Metamorphosis", and that when the crew of the Enterprise return home, everything seems to be exactly as they left it. Minus a few crew members and part of Data's face.

What would have made First Contact better?

Star Trek Deep Space 9 - Wolf 359

The writers should have brought in the character of Sisko from Deep Space Nine. They included the Defiant. They used it as an excuse to bring back Worf just 'cuz. But apparently saving the planet earth from the Borg wasn't important enough for the rest of the crew of the Defiant (and Deep Space Nine), even though the Defiant was specifically designed to fight the Borg. So they sent Worf and the B-Team to handle that.

This is unfortunate because the movie probably would have worked so much better if they would have brought in Avery Brooks as Captain Sisko. Heck, the portrayal of Picard is the character of Sisko! Sisko is a more action-oriented leader with a huge chip on his shoulder. His wife was killed in a Borg attack -- by Locutus (Picard's Borg alter-ego) no less. He also never received the guilt-trip from his senior staff about how murdering innocent cyborg teenagers is bad mojo. So Sisko still hates the Borg. Maybe having Sisko commanding the Defiant (a ship specifically designed to fight the Borg) would have given Starfleet an excuse to keep Picard away -- because his presence may have compromised Sikso's ability to rationally command, and Sisko is the one commanding the dedicated anti-Borg strike ship!

Having the Enterprise beam aboard the survivors of the Defiant would have brought Picard and Sisko into contact. The whole movie could then have been about Sisko and Picard in-fighting over how best to handle the Borg, dealing with their own personal baggage (and Sisko's hatred of Picard), while at the same time trying to deal with the Borg themselves. All the gung-ho action movie hero stuff that Picard does in that movie could have been done by Sisko! It actually fits with Sisko's character. Suddenly this dumb action movie would have a lot more character and depth to it.

Well, so much for missed opportunities...

Picard-FACEPALM: Because expressing how dumb that was in words just doesn't work.

But as if butchering the beloved character of Picard wasn't bad enough ...

The Queen ruins the Borg!

Borg Queen

The Queen gave the Borg a human face, a personality, passion, and human fallibility. The Borg became more organic and alive because of her. Their costume designs shifted from robotic and artificial to a more organic combination of H.R. Giger's xenomorph design from Alien and simple decaying zombie face. Some people thought this was an improvement. So did I when I first saw the movie. But then again, I thought a lot of stupid stuff was cool back when I was 11 years old. Anyway the costume change for the Borg is a different topic, so I'll get back to the point: The Queen.

Adding the Queen into the movie was no doubt the idea of some big-wig studio execs who thought that not having a singular, central villain would be too abstract and difficult for the casual (read: "stupid") movie-goer. So the Borg needed to be given a "leader".

The existence of the Borg Queen trivialized the Borg. She turns them into just another one of Star Trek's rogue's gallery of alien villains. They stopped being the antithetical absolutely anti-human evil that they were set up and intended to be. They became just a bunch of space zombies in big spaceships with a sexually frustrated leader who has nothing better to do than hatch an elaborate plot to make sure that her old boyfriend who rejected her (Picard) can see her with her new boyfriend (Data) so that he'll get jealous and she can break his heart by spurning him for the aforementioned new boyfriend.

Wait, was this a science fiction movie, or a Britney Spears song?

Borg force field

The Borg even forgot how to use force fields to stop someone from physically assaulting them, which is something they did in every episode of TNG that they appeared in. So now, when the phasers stop working, the crew can just hack at them with the hilt of their phaser rifles, shoot them with holographic tommy guns, slice them open with swords, and snap their necks to their hearts' content.

Where First Contact left off, Voyager picked back up with "Dark Frontier". Bringing back the Borg and the Queen every chance they got. Making the Queen more human, more imperfect, more fallible. Making the Borg even more and more like pathetic space zombies. It even went so far as to giving the Queen a personal vendetta against Janeway and Voyager that persists throughout the rest of the series! The Borg started making deals, negotiating, lying, cheating, and scamming. The Queen made everything so personal, to the point that Janeway and the crew of Voyager started using her mindless desire for revenge at any cost to bait her into falling for traps!

Machines don't indulge in personal vendettas!

With the crew of Voyager now actively goading the Borg instead of running and cowering from them in fear - partly due to Seven of Nine's presence as a "consultant" - the Borg lost the sense of raw terror that permeated their appearances in The Next Generation. Borg episodes became nothing but television-budget CGI special effects showcases and excuses to give Jeri Ryan as much screentime as possible. Everything that made the Borg interesting as a concept was lost. Every Borg episode after "Scorpion Part II" became unwatchably bad (including and especially the finale, "Endgame"). The frequent re-use of the Borg almost single-handedly ruined the last 3 or 4 seasons of Voyager for me.

That is why despite all the criticism that modern fans give for the old-style Borg being "lame" or "stupid-looking", they were a much more compelling villain than post-First Contact Borg. It's why episodes like "Q Who?", "Best of Both Worlds", and "I, Borg", are the best Borg episodes and First Contact and everything in Voyager is crap.

"Scorpion" parts I and II are decent, I guess. And "Unity" is actually pretty good as far as Voyager episodes go.

Comments (16) -

05/03/2011 09:29:20 #

Reading that and knowing some of the festering anger I myself had to bite down while we were recording that episode a couple of weeks ago, I am suprised that episode didn't end up three hours long.

Good argument and I do agree with the bulk of your it, especially the inclusion of The Sisko, I didn't mind the Cochrane stuff because it was quite likely that meeting the Vulcans and all that followed for him would have matured him.

Not to mention; the mere presense of Picard, the Borg and company would have changed events drastically, continuing the degradation of the timeline that the crews of each series had been bashing with a hammer every time they travel into the past.  Which is why I argued that JJ Trek had to happen the way it did for in-Universe reason as well as RL reasons.

Anyway, it was good fighting with you cause I doubt Damon will pair us Jasons again too much in the future.

05/04/2011 06:00:17 #

Hey other Jason, thanks for the comment! It was a good fight, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result. Although, if Damon is correct, and response to that episode was split pretty evenly along gender lines, we may have to revisit that topic and try to get a girl or two into the discussion.

The Cochrane stuff was just minor nitpicking, which is why I glossed over it the way I did, and it is very likely that interactions with the crew of the Enterprise and the Borg may have fundamentally changed him. As an addendum to this blog: after the Enterprise episode "Regeneration", I started to assume that all the events of Enterprise did in fact take place in a parallel continuity that began with the incursion in First Contact. For a time, I also thought that the influence of the Borg attack, and the paranoia of Cochrane could have also been considered a catalyst for creating the Mirror Universe Terran Empire. But I revised that idea during season four (after the Xindi arc), only to have it kind of shattered by the episode "In a Mirror, Darkly" (but that episode was pretty fun, so I can't really complain too much). But I don't want to go into too much detail with those ideas. Maybe I'll save those for a future blog!

Thanks for reading! I look forward to debating with you again.

Other Jason
Other Jason
05/04/2011 07:07:09 #

I can't remember which one, but I think one of the Shatner books implies that the Mirror Universe may have started as a reaction to Cochrane learning of the Borg.

05/04/2011 09:43:53 #

Really? I didn't read that one. I do remember that in his book The Return, he describes that V'Ger was repaired by the Borg (the machine planet described in the film being the Borg homeworld) and sent to earth. According to the Wikipedia article, he also pitched that idea to Paramount as the plot for the eighth Trek film (which became First Contact).

That book actually made me think that it would be cool if the union between Decker, Ilia, and V'Ger had been the origin of the Borg. That after the merger, the unified cyborg V'ger returned to the machine planet that had repaired it, and assumed control of it, establishing the Borg Collective. The fact that V'Ger's origins are from earth could also have been used as an explanation for the Borg being so adamant about assimilating humanity. It would tie things together nicely, and would create an interesting irony: Captain Kirk (one of the most celebrated heroes of the Federation) had essentially created the Borg!

Even though I hate the Queen, it would have been neat if Paramount had run with that idea and cast Peris Khambatta as Ilia in the form of a personification of the Borg Queen instead of Alice Krige!

Other Jason
Other Jason
05/04/2011 11:37:08 #

Unfortunately, Persis died in the 80s.

As far as I'm concerned TMP was the closest any of the original run of Trek Movies came to actually being Trek.  The other five were all something with Star Trek rubbed on it to varying degrees of success.  That's not a slam, four out the five are good movies and I feel good Trek but TMP was pure undiluted Trek. (Which is why people felt it was slow.)

So as much as I'd like them to finally acknowledge that TMP happened, I just don't know if linking the combined V'Ger with the Borg is the way to do it.  I actually think that the V'ger incident might have been what brought Humanity to Q's (DeLancie-Q specifically, not the Q in general of course) attention, and after taking a long hard look at humanity he finally stepped literally into their path with the Farpoint incident.

06/07/2013 19:14:53 #

first contact was the best so you shut it

"And he piled upon the whales white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole reace.. If his chest had been a cannon, he would of shot his heart upon it"

"and i will make them pay for what they've done"

picard was fricken awesome in that movie.. great movie!

Don't make me assimilate you so that you agree! Lol

06/07/2013 19:15:33 #


01/30/2014 09:13:38 #

Good thoughts honestly I never thought of that before. There was another option. William Shatner wrote a book (can't think of it off the top of my head). It spring-boarded off of Generations (which I agree was the worst movie of the series). The premise of the book was someone was trained in the fighting of every alien race and was giving each member of TNG a run for their money. It tied the very first Star Trek Movie in with it and yes it involved the Borg.

Side note while in the Air Force I served in Montana as a Security Forces Missile Cop. When First Contact came out one of my coworkers and I sat in the front office of the Missile Alert Facility and tried to figure out which Silo contained the space craft. Ignoring the fact the Zefram Cochran was, according to the original series, elsewhere.

Bo Zimmerman
Bo Zimmerman
09/10/2014 02:27:16 #

I agree with one of the main points here so hard it hurt a little.

In the Voyager episode called "The Raven", Annika's father tells her that (paraphrasing) "The Borg have a queen.  Like the queen in an insect colony, she directs the activities of the colony."  In a science fiction show of all places, that statement is nuts.  The Queen in an insect colony directs Nothing, but acts as a baby factory, and is little more than the uterus of the colony.  Each insect is directed by a set of instincts which cause Order to emerge between them in the colony, making it appear that they are being directed by a single purpose.  

The thing that so fascinated me about the Borg was that they (the writers) were speculating on what would emerge from a group of humanoids if they were forced to share a consciousness.  The introduction of a "central planner" in the person of a Queen destroyed this brilliant premise.

John R. McCommas
John R. McCommas
12/20/2014 23:23:05 #

Well if they were going to do anything with the storyline of the Borg than they had to make choices.  I like the way they went even though you have some points.  I enjoyed First Contact but the best was Wraith of Kahn.

I loved Voyager.  I thought it was the best of the franchise.  My favorite line "Time to take out the garbage" -- just before Janeway blew up a scavenger ship.

Its just TV.  Try to enjoy it.    

12/21/2014 07:47:19 #

@John R McCommas:

I did find plenty of enjoyment in televised Star Trek, including Voyager. Episodes like Deadlock, Real Life, Tinker, Tailor, Doctor, Spy, Mortal Coil, Critical Care, and Worst Case Scenario are some of my favorite episodes of the franchise (behind the really good TNG episodes, of course). But it's entirely possible to like something and still be critical of it.

Voyager had the misfortune of being behind the times a bit. It's scripts and characters were fairly bland, it's production was too "clean cut", and the show failed to innovate in the ways that TNG and DS9 did. It had its moments, but was pretty weak overall - especially if you look at shows like the Sci Fi network's Battlestar Galactica or Fox's Firefly. TV was getting darker and edgier, and Voyager's old-school simplicity and hard resets between episodes made it feel quaint and campy by comparison. As bad as Enterprise was, I do have to give the producers and writers a bit of credit for taking more chances, even if most of those chances failed to pay off.

Can you honestly tell me that Voyager would not have benefited from some of the edginess of Battlestar, especially in the way that Galactica and its crew suffered persistent attrition? The concept of Voyager was just begging for scripts more akin to what we saw in BSG! (Full disclosure: I loved the first 2 seasons of BSG, but hate the last season or 2). And a villain as conceptual and nuanced as the Borg deserved to be treated with a little bit more respect than being treated as space-zombie-honeybees.

Jason Biginton
Jason Biginton
01/01/2015 10:25:18 #

Completely 100% agree. Your theory about studio execs needing a leader for the villain was actually confirmed at the time. Voyager milked it because of course that swan diving pile of shit did; it had to to keep people interested somehow and thought this would be "cool". The character stuff I can forgive but the addition of the Queen was the killing blow for the Borg.

Tom England
Tom England
09/28/2016 06:39:53 #

Just FYI....

I, Borg created Hugh. Picard then failed to use Hugh to kill the borg. Starfleet was like "WTF PICARD!"

Hugh created the events of Descent. Picard was sent DESPITE I, Borg and because of Best of Both Worlds. At the end of Descent Starfleet is like "FUCK Picard, this is all YOUR fault."

So it makes sense they wouldn't send him straight away, because as events had proven Picard WAS sympathetic to the Borg.

As to his rage issues... doesn't upset me at all, PTSD isn't something that goes away despite intellectual awareness.

That said... you are right in two regards. Sisko WOULD have made a terrific counterpoint to Picard, and the two fighting over how to deal with a) the Borg, and b) impacting the past (I see Sisko would want to save people, where Picard doesn't want to interfere) would have precluded the necessity for a straight up villain (similar to Captain America's Civil War "villain") - though I can't imagine a studio accepting that.

The missed opportunities with Sisko and Picard... ouch. (But honestly TNG/movie viewers wouldn't understand it... so a lot would be lost on them. Simply put DS9 was not as popular in it's heyday as it is NOW)

Finally... the whole Data/Queen/Picard fest was off... but I didn't and don't pick up the same romantic overtones.

As to Voyager. Yes, we are all aware of how bad Voyager is. The only people who like it are those who willingly shut off their brain. (It's the most simple and bland Star Trek bar none)

Rudi Kramp
Rudi Kramp
12/24/2016 15:28:58 #

I wouldn't want to be so judgemental about these.
Aliens in science fiction invariably represent aspects of human nature. An example with the Borg is the threat to the Borg Collective must be assimilated or destroyed, resistance is futile. That's so typical of human nature.
The Star Trek universe gives one a good idea of the real universe. Also, the Star Trek universe being symbolic of inner space, and the real universe symbolic of outer space. The Borg trying to prevent first contact can symbolise the paranoid nature of many people reckoning that that in the real universe would mean the extraterrestrials enslaving humanity. It can also symbolise the negative ones on earth trying to prevent that, in order to enslave humanity.
01/03/2017 07:30:52 #

It has been ages since I read this article, and each year I feel myself agreeing with it more and more as I grow older and start to understand the nuances of Star Trek, science fiction, big idea thinking, and "the other" in stories.

Back then I did not understand the Borg that well when episodes like "Q Who" and "Best of both worlds" aired as they concepts and ideas they depicted had not come yet to my still forming mind (I was more into action sci-fi and space fantasy such as Star Wars). Only later I started to understand what the Borg represented and what made them so fearful.

I really liked First Contact when it was in the theater and when the species appeared on Voyager as most of the previous antagonists the crew faced weren't that memorable or threatening.
Along with BOBW Scorpion 1&2 were some of my favorite Borg episodes, and Dark Frontier was also high on my "Favorite Star Trek episodes ever" list until I also started comprehend why the Borg work best in small doses when they became more and more exposed in Seasons 6 and 7. (especially the humanizing of the Queen made me realize that this was no longer the "other", the strange thing that desires our civilization for its technology and our bodies)

I still loved them in Enterprise "Regeneration", but more because it was the Borg again, but for the rest it is a pretty forgettable and pointless episode really. (I still want a toy of the Assimilated Transport though)

To be honest, I am not even sure if it is wise to bring the Borg back in any new movie or Star Trek series. Not because I hate them, but they are overexposed, to watered down, and it would just be done again for the sake of nostalgia.
Just like how all other Star Trek stuff keeps being used over and over again instead of ever continuing onward.

02/21/2020 18:17:40 #

Meh, the Doctor and Seven are easily my favourite Star Trek characters outside of Picard, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy (which is basically who took up all the time in the original series), I don't really see "there are 7 other characters" as a valid complaint. It's a nonsensical complaint, like saying, "Deep Space 9 was bad because they only used the 9th Deep Space station."

The truth is that Voyager began as an ensemble, and it clearly wasn't working as well as it should have. They made changes, and the show improved.

So, I probably won't agree with your post based on your opening bit, so I'll end it here.

05/12/2021 12:00:28 #


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05/17/2021 06:48:01 #

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05/17/2021 10:50:34 #

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05/26/2021 12:27:20 #


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06/02/2021 05:08:49 #

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06/03/2021 08:30:06 #

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My name is Betsy.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by myself.

Take a look at this official document with the links to my images you utilized at and my earlier publication to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I do believe that you willfully violated my rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages of up to $130,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a company, the DMCA requires you, to remove and disable access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this letter. In case you do not cease the use of the previously mentioned infringing content a legal action can be started against you.

I have a good belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright owner, its legal agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am currently the copyright proprietor or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably infringed.

Best regards,
Betsy Murphy


06/04/2021 02:41:18 #


My name is Sarah.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright-protected images owned by myself.

Check out this official document with the URLs to my images you utilized at and my earlier publication to find the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I believe that you intentionally infringed my rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage as high as $150,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a company, the Dmca demands you, to eliminate or terminate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this letter. In case you do not stop the use of the previously mentioned infringing content a law suit will be initiated against you.

I have a strong belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright proprietor or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Sarah Robinson


06/07/2021 14:31:51 #


My name is Cadillac.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by myself.

Check out this report with the hyperlinks to my images you used at and my previous publication to get the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think you have willfully violated my legal rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a service provider, the DMCA requires you, to eliminate or/and terminate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. If you do not stop the use of the aforementioned infringing materials a legal action can be started against you.

I do have a strong self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly violating is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its legal agent, as well as legislation.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and that I am the legal copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Cadillac Mac


06/09/2021 11:36:46 #


My name is Aadriiaanaa.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this document with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at and my previous publications to get the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

In my opinion that you intentionally violated my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages of up to $150,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing materials described above. Please take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you, to eliminate and/or deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this notice. In case you don't cease the use of the above mentioned infringing materials a court action can be commenced against you.

I do have a strong belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not approved by the legal copyright owner, its legal agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright proprietor or am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably violated.

Aadriiaanaa Hong


06/09/2021 17:48:58 #


My name is Keren.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by myself.

Check out this report with the URLs to my images you used at and my previous publications to find the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think that you willfully violated my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages of up to $110,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials described above. Take note as a service provider, the DMCA demands you, to remove and/or deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you don't cease the utilization of the above mentioned infringing content a court action will be started against you.

I do have a strong belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials described above as presumably infringing is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, or the laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and that I am the copyright proprietor or am permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Keren Paulson


06/15/2021 09:05:34 #

Hi there!

My name is Suzanne.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Check out this document with the URLs to my images you used at and my previous publication to get the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think that you intentionally violated my rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage as high as $140,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please be aware as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you, to eliminate and/or terminate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular letter. If you do not cease the use of the aforementioned infringing materials a legal action will be initiated against you.

I do have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not authorized by the legal copyright owner, its agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Suzanne Alvarez


06/15/2021 12:42:18 #


My name is Narciza.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this report with the links to my images you used at and my previous publications to find the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

In my opinion you have deliberately infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $130,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you, to remove and terminate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you don't cease the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted materials a court action can be commenced against you.

I do have a good self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the laws.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am the copyright proprietor or am authorized to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Narciza Holland


06/16/2021 00:44:07 #

Hi there!

My name is Christina.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by myself.

Take a look at this document with the links to my images you utilized at and my earlier publications to find the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think that you intentionally infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage of up to $150,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a service provider, the DMCA requires you, to remove and disable access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this notice. In case you don't stop the use of the above mentioned infringing materials a court action will be initiated against you.

I do have a strong belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not approved by the legal copyright owner, its agent, as well as legislation.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Christina Starkey


06/16/2021 13:26:18 #

Hi there!

My name is Alicia.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this doc with the hyperlinks to my images you used at and my earlier publication to obtain the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

In my opinion that you deliberately violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $130,000 as set forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notice. I demand the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a service provider, the Dmca requires you, to eliminate or/and disable access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. If you don't cease the utilization of the above mentioned infringing materials a lawsuit can be commenced against you.

I do have a good self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its legal agent, as well as laws.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am currently the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly infringed.

Alicia Dam


06/18/2021 03:08:57 #


My name is Ebony.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by me personally.

Check out this document with the links to my images you utilized at and my previous publications to get the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do think that you deliberately violated my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $110,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notification. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials described above. Take note as a service provider, the DMCA requires you, to eliminate or/and terminate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this letter. In case you don't stop the use of the previously mentioned copyrighted content a court action can be initiated against you.

I have a strong self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as presumably violating is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as legislation.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am currently the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Best regards,
Ebony Miller


06/24/2021 18:46:23 #

Hi there!

My name is Stephanie.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright-protected images owned by myself.

Take a look at this document with the URLs to my images you used at and my previous publication to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I believe you have deliberately violated my legal rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages of up to $150,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a company, the DMCA demands you, to remove and/or deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notification letter. If you don't stop the use of the previously mentioned copyrighted materials a lawsuit can be started against you.

I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am currently the copyright proprietor or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly infringed.

Stephanie Baker


06/25/2021 07:51:13 #

Hi there!

My name is Susan.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by myself.

Take a look at this document with the links to my images you utilized at and my previous publication to get the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do believe you've deliberately violated my rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $130,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a company, the DMCA demands you, to remove or/and terminate access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this particular notice. If you do not cease the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted content a legal action can be started against you.

I do have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is correct and that I am the copyright proprietor or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Susan Jones


07/01/2021 06:40:43 #


My name is Elizabeth.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by myself.

Take a look at this report with the hyperlinks to my images you used at and my earlier publications to find the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do believe you've deliberately violated my legal rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage of up to $110,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a company, the Dmca requires you, to remove and/or deactivate access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this notice. In case you do not cease the use of the aforementioned infringing materials a lawsuit will be commenced against you.

I have a good self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not approved by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and that I am currently the legal copyright proprietor or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably infringed.

Best regards,
Elizabeth Jones


07/06/2021 23:58:03 #


My name is Samantha.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by myself.

Check out this report with the URLs to my images you used at and my previous publication to obtain the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

In my opinion that you intentionally violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage of up to $130,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials described above. Take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to eliminate and terminate access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this particular letter. If you don't cease the utilization of the aforementioned copyrighted content a law suit will likely be started against you.

I do have a strong belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably infringing is not permitted by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the copyright proprietor or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably violated.

Samantha Allen


07/14/2021 13:16:10 #

Hello there!

My name is Kevin.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright-protected images owned by myself.

Take a look at this official document with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at and my earlier publication to get the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I believe that you willfully infringed my legal rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage as high as $150,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a company, the Dmca demands you, to remove and/or terminate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this letter. In case you do not cease the utilization of the previously mentioned infringing content a court action will likely be initiated against you.

I have a good self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as legislation.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and that I am currently the copyright proprietor or am authorized to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly infringed.

Kevin Hoang


07/26/2021 23:47:38 #

Hi there!

My name is Dianne.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this official document with the URLs to my images you used at and my earlier publication to find the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I do think that you willfully infringed my rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages as high as $110,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notification. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to eliminate or/and terminate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular letter. In case you do not stop the use of the aforementioned infringing content a lawsuit will be initiated against you.

I do have a strong self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably infringing is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as law.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am currently the copyright proprietor or am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Dianne Coleman


07/28/2021 14:41:44 #

Hello there!

My name is Tiffany.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by myself.

Check out this doc with the URLs to my images you utilized at and my earlier publications to obtain the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think that you intentionally infringed my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages as high as $120,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notification. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials described above. Please be aware as a service provider, the Dmca requires you, to eliminate or terminate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you do not cease the utilization of the aforementioned infringing materials a court action can be started against you.

I do have a strong self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not permitted by the copyright owner, its legal agent, or the law.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am currently the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably infringed.

Best regards,
Tiffany Zlobina


07/30/2021 06:14:04 #


My name is Ashley.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by myself.

Check out this report with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at and my previous publications to get the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do think you have willfully infringed my legal rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages as high as $120,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a company, the DMCA demands you, to eliminate and deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you do not stop the use of the aforementioned infringing materials a lawsuit will be commenced against you.

I have a strong belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably infringed.

Ashley Long


08/03/2021 00:35:08 #


My name is Santos.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by myself.

Check out this report with the URLs to my images you utilized at and my previous publication to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do think you've deliberately infringed my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing materials described above. Take note as a service provider, the DMCA requires you, to remove or deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this letter. In case you don't stop the use of the previously mentioned infringing materials a law suit will be commenced against you.

I do have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly violating is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, or the legislation.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this letter is correct and that I am currently the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Santos Dudley


08/03/2021 02:03:38 #


My name is Tracy.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Check out this report with the URLs to my images you utilized at and my previous publication to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do believe that you intentionally infringed my rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $120,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials described above. Please take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to remove or/and deactivate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular notice. If you do not stop the utilization of the previously mentioned infringing content a court action can be commenced against you.

I do have a good faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably infringing is not approved by the legal copyright proprietor, its legal agent, or the law.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Tracy Williams


08/04/2021 23:34:32 #


My name is Dominique.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this document with the links to my images you utilized at and my previous publication to obtain the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think you have intentionally violated my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $130,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to remove or deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular letter. In case you don't cease the utilization of the above mentioned infringing materials a lawsuit can be initiated against you.

I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably infringing is not permitted by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the legal copyright proprietor or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Dominique Oliver


08/09/2021 19:53:23 #


My name is Caroline.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this doc with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at and my previous publication to get the evidence of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I think you have deliberately infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damage of up to $140,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please be aware as a company, the DMCA requires you, to remove or deactivate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this notice. In case you don't cease the use of the above mentioned infringing materials a lawsuit will likely be commenced against you.

I have a good belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is correct and that I am currently the legal copyright proprietor or am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Best regards,
Caroline Ortiz


08/11/2021 07:53:01 #

Hello there!

My name is Sara.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright protected images owned by myself.

Take a look at this official document with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at and my earlier publication to get the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I do believe you've deliberately infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $150,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a company, the DMCA demands you, to eliminate and/or terminate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this letter. If you do not cease the use of the above mentioned infringing content a law suit will likely be initiated against you.

I have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its legal agent, as well as law.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the legal copyright owner or am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Sara Jones


08/11/2021 17:38:29 #


My name is Marcus.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by myself.

Take a look at this document with the links to my images you utilized at and my previous publication to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I do think that you deliberately violated my rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $140,000 as set-forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials described above. Please take note as a service provider, the DMCA demands you, to remove or disable access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular letter. If you don't cease the use of the aforementioned copyrighted materials a legal action will be initiated against you.

I do have a strong belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not approved by the copyright owner, its legal agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am currently the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Marcus Rygart


08/17/2021 19:12:04 #


My name is Tina.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this report with the URLs to my images you utilized at and my previous publications to get the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

In my opinion you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $140,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials described above. Please take note as a service provider, the DMCA requires you, to eliminate and disable access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you don't stop the use of the above mentioned copyrighted content a lawsuit will likely be commenced against you.

I have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not permitted by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, or the legislation.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am currently the copyright owner or am permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Tina Taylor


08/25/2021 09:02:08 #

Hi there!

My name is Tiffany.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this official document with the links to my images you used at and my previous publications to find the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I really believe you have intentionally violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $150,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notification. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please take note as a service provider, the DMCA demands you, to remove or/and deactivate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this notification letter. If you do not stop the utilization of the aforementioned copyrighted content a court action can be started against you.

I do have a strong self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as legislation.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am the legal copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Tiffany Prim


09/08/2021 10:19:45 #


My name is Rachel.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by myself.

Take a look at this document with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at and my earlier publications to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I do think you've willfully violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $140,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I demand the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Please take note as a company, the DMCA demands you, to eliminate or disable access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this notification letter. If you do not stop the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted content a court action can be initiated against you.

I have a strong belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not permitted by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, or the laws.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and that I am the legal copyright proprietor or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably violated.

Rachel Zimniak


09/09/2021 01:17:10 #

Hi there!

My name is Alicia.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by me personally.

Check out this official document with the URLs to my images you utilized at and my earlier publication to obtain the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I do think that you intentionally infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage as high as $140,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing materials described above. Please take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to remove or disable access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notice. In case you don't stop the utilization of the previously mentioned infringing materials a law suit will likely be started against you.

I do have a strong faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the legislation.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the legal copyright owner or am permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Alicia Martinez


09/09/2021 12:24:48 #


This message was written to you in order to notify, that we are currently experiencing serious network problems and we have detected a DDoS attack on our servers coming from the your website or a website that your company hosts ( As a consequence, we are suffering financial and reputational losses.

We have strong evidence and belief that your site was hacked and your website files were modified, with the help of which the DDoS attack is currently taking place. It is strictly advised for you as a website proprietor or as a person associated with this website take immediate action to fix this issue.

To fix this issue, you should immediately clean your website from malicious files that are used to carry out the DDoS attack.

I have shared the log file with the recorded evidence that the attack is coming from and also detailed guidelines on how to safely deal with, find and clean up all malicious files manually in order to eradicate the threat to our network.

Click on the link below to download DDoS Attack evidence and follow the instructions to fix the issue:

Please be aware that failure to comply with the instructions above or/and if DDoS attacks associated with will not stop within the next 24 hour period upon receipt of this message, we will be entitled to seek legal actions to resolve this issue.

If you will experience any difficulties trying to solve the issue, please reply immediately with your personal reference case number (included in the log report and instructions mentioned above) and I will do my best to help you resolve this problem asap.

Jeff Dunlevy IT security team

09/15/2021 20:59:30 #

Hi there!

My name is Sarah.

Your website or a website that your organization hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by me personally.

Check out this doc with the links to my images you used at and my earlier publications to find the proof of my copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:

I really believe you've deliberately violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a company, the Dmca requires you, to remove and/or disable access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you do not cease the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted materials a court action will be started against you.

I have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials described above as presumably infringing is not approved by the legal copyright owner, its agent, or the laws.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and that I am the copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Best regards,
Sarah Anderson


09/29/2021 08:28:59 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by our company (mailchimp Inc.).

Check out this official document with the hyperlinks to our images you utilized at and our previous publication to obtain the proof of our copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:  

I think that you deliberately violated our legal rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $120,000 as set-forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notification. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you to remove or terminate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you don't stop the use of the above mentioned infringing content a court action can be started against you.

I have a strong self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as presumably violating is not approved by the legal copyright proprietor, its legal agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and hereby affirm that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Sincerely yours,
Aaron Weincouff
Legal Officer
mailchimp, Inc.


09/30/2021 20:38:15 #


My name is Ryan.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by me personally.

Take a look at this report with the URLs to my images you used at and my previous publications to find the proof of my copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

I really believe you have deliberately violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $140,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a service provider, the Dmca demands you, to eliminate and/or terminate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this notification letter. In case you don't cease the use of the above mentioned infringing materials a legal action can be commenced against you.

I have a good faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, or the laws.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and that I am the copyright owner or am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Ryan Garcia


10/19/2021 06:59:43 #


This message was written to you in order to notify, that we have detected a DDoS attack on our servers coming from the your website or a website that your company hosts (

We have strong evidence and belief that your website was hacked and your website files were modified, with the help of which the DDoS attack is currently taking place.

I have shared the log file with the recorded evidence that the DDoS attack is coming from and also detailed guidelines on how to safely deal with, find and clean up all malicious files manually in order to eradicate the threat to our network.

Download it right now and follow the instructions to fix the issue:

It is strictly advised for you as a website proprietor or as a person associated with this website take immediate action to fix this issue. Please be aware that failure to comply with the instructions above or/and if DDoS attacks associated with will not stop within the next 24 hour period upon receipt of this message, we will be entitled to seek legal actions to resolve this issue.

If you will experience any difficulties trying to solve the issue, please reply immediately with your personal reference case number (included in the log file and instructions mentioned above) and I will do my best to help you resolve this problem asap.

Best regards,
Syracuse Roe
IT Security Team Leader
mailchimp, Inc.


10/27/2021 12:43:50 #

Hi There, I'm Cynthia,

I just now spotted that there is the "error 506" showing on a few of your website pages. I am positive that these kinds of errors won't be appreciated by your clients and you're literally losing money due to this fact, moreover they can notably decrease the amount of visits from Google.

I've decided to help and created the doc for you with some screenshots of errors and mentioned the hyperlinks to the website pages where they show up, I hope it will help.

And here is the link to the document, check it out:

Have an excellent day!

11/22/2021 14:43:59 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by our company (slack Inc.).

Take a look at this document with the links to our images you used at and our earlier publication to get the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I do think you've willfully infringed our rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a service provider, the DMCA requires you to eliminate or terminate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this notification letter. In case you do not stop the utilization of the previously mentioned infringing content a court action will likely be started against you.

I do have a strong belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not authorized by the legal copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and hereby affirm that I am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably violated.

Very truly yours,
Dan Bautista
Legal Officer
slack, Inc.


12/01/2021 16:00:03 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by our company (hubspot Inc.).

Take a look at this document with the hyperlinks to our images you used at and our previous publications to get the evidence of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I do think you've intentionally infringed our legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage as high as $120,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials described above. Take note as a company, the DMCA demands you to remove and deactivate access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this notification letter. If you do not cease the utilization of the above mentioned copyrighted content a legal action will be initiated against you.

I do have a good belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the legislation.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and hereby affirm that I am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Very truly yours,
Justin Chung
Legal Officer
hubspot, Inc.


12/07/2021 03:54:22 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by our company (mailchimp Inc.).

Check out this doc with the links to our images you utilized at and our previous publication to find the proof of our copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:  

I believe that you willfully infringed our legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages of up to $140,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a service provider, the DMCA demands you to eliminate or deactivate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular letter. In case you don't stop the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted materials a law suit will likely be started against you.

I do have a good self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as presumably infringing is not approved by the legal copyright proprietor, its legal agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and hereby affirm that I am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Very truly yours,
Srinivas Wilson
Legal Officer
mailchimp, Inc.


04/20/2022 12:51:51 #


Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by our company (intuit Inc.).

Take a look at this document with the URLs to our images you used at and our previous publications to obtain the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I believe you have deliberately infringed our rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $110,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please be aware as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you to remove and deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notice. If you don't cease the utilization of the above mentioned infringing content a law suit will likely be initiated against you.

I have a good belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not authorized by the legal copyright owner, its agent, or the legislation.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this letter is correct and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably infringed.

Sincerely yours,
Kenneth Fico
Legal Officer
intuit, Inc.


05/27/2022 05:48:54 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by our company (hubspot Inc.).

Take a look at this official document with the URLs to our images you utilized at and our earlier publications to find the proof of our copyrights.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:  

I believe you've willfully violated our legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $130,000 as set-forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials described above. Take note as a company, the DMCA demands you to eliminate and deactivate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular notice. In case you do not stop the use of the aforementioned copyrighted materials a legal action will likely be commenced against you.

I do have a good faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the legal copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Sincerely yours,
Paul Wilberforce
Legal Officer
hubspot, Inc.


05/27/2022 09:59:09 #


Your website or a website that your organization hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by our company (zoho Inc.).

Check out this official document with the links to our images you used at and our previous publications to obtain the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I believe that you willfully violated our rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $120,000 as set-forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I demand the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please be aware as a service provider, the Dmca requires you to remove and/or disable access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this letter. In case you do not cease the use of the above mentioned copyrighted content a legal action can be commenced against you.

I have a good belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably infringing is not authorized by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as laws.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly infringed.

Very truly yours,
Ashish Thibault
Legal Officer
zoho, Inc.


05/31/2022 20:42:43 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyrighted images owned by our company (hubspot Inc.).

Take a look at this doc with the links to our images you used at and our earlier publication to find the evidence of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I do believe that you intentionally violated our rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damage as high as $140,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please be aware as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you to remove or/and deactivate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you don't stop the use of the above mentioned copyrighted materials a lawsuit will be commenced against you.

I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is correct and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Sincerely yours,
Moises Bond
Legal Officer
hubspot, Inc.


06/07/2022 05:04:22 #


Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by our company (freshbooks Inc.).

Take a look at this doc with the hyperlinks to our images you used at and our earlier publications to get the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I do think you've intentionally violated our legal rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damage of up to $120,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials described above. Please be aware as a company, the Dmca demands you to remove or/and deactivate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this notification letter. If you don't cease the use of the above mentioned infringing materials a law suit will be started against you.

I do have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not permitted by the legal copyright owner, its legal agent, or the laws.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and hereby affirm that I am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Roy Filicia
Legal Officer
freshbooks, Inc.


06/13/2022 08:48:59 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by our company (trello Inc.).

Check out this document with the hyperlinks to our images you utilized at and our earlier publications to get the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I do think you have willfully violated our rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $110,000 as set forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a company, the Dmca requires you to eliminate and disable access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular notice. In case you don't stop the use of the aforementioned copyrighted content a court action will likely be started against you.

I do have a good faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its legal agent, as well as laws.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and hereby affirm that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Best regards,
Shirish Duck
Legal Officer
trello, Inc.


06/13/2022 11:15:35 #


Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright protected images owned by our company (xero Inc.).

Take a look at this official document with the links to our images you utilized at and our previous publication to get the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I believe you have willfully infringed our legal rights under 17 USC Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $120,000 as set-forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This message is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please be aware as a service provider, the DMCA demands you to eliminate and/or deactivate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this notice. If you do not stop the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted materials a law suit can be commenced against you.

I do have a strong self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably infringing is not approved by the legal copyright owner, its legal agent, as well as law.

I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and hereby affirm that I am authorized to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Sincerely yours,
Ronald Havens
Legal Officer
xero, Inc.


06/13/2022 11:24:50 #


Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by our company (hubspot Inc.).

Check out this document with the URLs to our images you used at and our earlier publications to obtain the proof of our copyrights.

Download it now and check this out for yourself:  

I do believe that you intentionally infringed our rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage as high as $110,000 as set-forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notice. I seek the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a service provider, the DMCA demands you to eliminate or terminate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this particular letter. In case you do not cease the use of the previously mentioned infringing content a law suit will likely be commenced against you.

I do have a good self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly violating is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, as well as law.

I declare, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and hereby affirm that I am certified to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.

Sincerely yours,
Jim Monge
Legal Officer
hubspot, Inc.


02/23/2024 08:54:42 #

You are infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by our company (hoganlovells Inc.).

Take a look at this file with the links to our images you utilized at and our previous publication to get the evidence of our copyrights.

Download it and see for yourself:

I do believe you've deliberately infringed our rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage as high as $120,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you to remove and/or disable access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. If you do not stop the use of the aforementioned infringing content a law suit will likely be started against you.

I have a strong belief that use of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the law.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this letter is correct and hereby affirm that I am certified to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is presumably violated.

Best regards,
Jermaine Ram
Legal Officer
hoganlovells, Inc.


03/05/2024 18:25:38 #

You are infringing on a copyright protected images owned by our company (goodwinlaw Inc.).

Take a look at this file with the URLs to our images you used at and our previous publication to find the proof of our copyrights.

Download it and see for yourself:

I do believe you've deliberately infringed our rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages of up to $120,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

This letter is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you to eliminate and disable access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this notification letter. In case you don't cease the utilization of the previously mentioned infringing content a lawsuit can be started against you.

I do have a strong faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the laws.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this message is accurate and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

Sincerely yours,
Sean Hansen
Legal Officer
goodwinlaw, Inc.


04/10/2024 21:08:49 #

You are infringing on copyright protected pictures owned by our company (justinforjustice Inc.). To get proof of our ownership rights, please see this document, which includes the links to our images used at as well as our prior publications.

Download this document and see for yourself:

I think you have willfully infringed our rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damage of up to $110,000 as set forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notification. I demand the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you to remove and/or disable access to the infringing content upon receipt of this notice. In case you do not cease the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted content a law suit will be started against you.

I do have a good faith belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly infringing is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the legislation.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this letter is accurate and hereby certify that I am authorized to act on behalf of the holder of the exclusive right allegedly infringed.

Very truly yours,
Monica Evans
Legal Officer
justinforjustice, Inc.


04/11/2024 00:35:27 #

You're infringing upon the copyrighted images belonging to our company (clarksonlawfirm Inc.). To obtain proof of our proprietary rights, please review this document, which includes the URLs to our images used at as well as our prior publications.

Download the document and see for yourself:

I do think you have deliberately infringed our rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damage of up to $120,000 as set forth in Sec. 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

This message is official notification. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you to remove or terminate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular letter. In case you do not cease the utilization of the previously mentioned infringing materials a court action can be commenced against you.

I do have a good self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials referenced above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as legislation.

I affirm under penalty of perjury that the information in this notification is accurate and hereby certify that I am licensed to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right allegedly violated.

Best regards,
Andre Baudoin
Legal Officer
clarksonlawfirm, Inc.


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