This Bed We Made - title

I think I bought This Bed We Made on a PSN sale. Or maybe it was one of the free monthly titles? The trailer piqued my interest. It looked like it might be a fun little murder mystery.

Mystery video games are difficult to get right. It's a tough balancing act to give the player enough information to solve the mystery, but not so much that the game basically plays itself. Can the solution be easily brute-forced? Do option prompts give the solution away? Does the player ever get that sense of "eureka!" for figuring things out for yourself?

Generally, in my experience, the bigger the game, the more difficult it is to hit that fine balance. It seems like indie games make much better mystery games due to their smaller scope. This Bed We Made certainly keeps its scope fairly small, which helps to provide a reasonable possibility space for the player to work with, and allowing for player-driven deduction and some assertive leaps of logic.

The protagonist is a hotel maid with a penchant for snooping into guests' personal belongings.

The player plays a hotel maid tasked with cleaning up the rooms for patrons. But she has a penchant for snooping around in the customers' personal belongings. The game takes place entirely in the handful of rooms that she is assigned to clean, on a single floor of the hotel, as well as the lobby, and some of the employee-only spaces in the basement. The protagonist being a hotel maid also introduces the game's core gimmick: the game isn't necessarily about solving the mystery; it's more about how you handle the evidence and clues that you find.

Your job is to decide which pieces of evidence should be cleaned up, and which should be left behind. After all, your job is not to tamper with guest's belongings; it's simply to clean up their trash. Throwing away the wrong scrap of paper could, hypothetically, get you fired. But at the same time, not throwing away certain pieces of evidence could incriminate you or another innocent character.

Furthermore, your choices will also have impacts on the other hotel staff. Your actions may reveal co-workers as negligent or insubordinate, but that negligence or insubordinance may be justifiable or sympathetic, which leads to interesting moral and ethical dilemmas. Does a co-worker deserve to be held accountable for their actions and potentially fired? Or are their reasons for the inciting action justifiable or excusable, given the circumstances?

Your actions (or inactions) can lead to consequences for yourself and other characters.

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Ara: History Untold - title

Civilization VII is right around the corner. For the first time in the Civilization series' history, it will actually have competition in its specific niche. One of those competitors is Microsoft's Ara: History Untold. Of the various games in the "historic 4x grand strategy" genre, Ara might very well be the most unique -- both to its benefit, and also to its own detriment.

Part Civilization, part city-builder

In addition to the obvious comparisons to Civilization, Ara: History Untold feels almost as much like a medieval survival-village-crafting game along the lines of Banished, Settlement Survival, or Manor Lords. The bulk of the game is spent building resource harvesters, building crafting buildings, and then trying to set up an efficient and self-sufficient economic engine that converts those harvested resources into manufactured goods. As you research new technologies and advance through the eras, you'll unlock new resources and recipes for new things you can craft with those resources. In fact, most of the tech tree is dedicated to unlocking new resources and craft recipes.

There is a huge variety of resources and manufactured goods.

The limited space available to each city will prevent you from ever really feeling like you've built a perfectly efficient machine. There's enough different crafting buildings, enough different resources, and enough different crafting recipes that you won't have enough room to build all the collectors and crafters for everything. So you'll be switching what crafting building is crafting what goods periodically, as certain infrastructure or units may require specific goods. Goods can also be assigned to buildings in order to "accelerate" their crafting efficiency, or to the cities directly in order to satisfy the needs of the population or to provide passive buffs.

For example, if you build a butcher shop in one of your cities, you can assign it to craft either salted fish or salted meat. If you choose salted meat, then you can assign a cow, pig, or venison, as well as optional salt or spices in order to speed up the production of that meat. You can then take that crafted meat and assign it to a city to provide extra food for the population.

Similarly, you can harvest raw iron ore from mines, process them into ingots in a forge, then combine the iron ingots with coal in a foundry to produce steel. That steel can then be used to create everything from skyscrapers to house more population, to luxuries like consumer automobiles and refrigerators, to tanks and battleships.

Candles can be equipped into housing to improve the knowledge rating of the residents.

And there are so many things that you can craft. There's candles, furniture, pottery, linen, medicinal herbs, pastries, coffee, microchips, and so forth. These sorts of items can be assigned to other buildings to provide certain passive benefits. A candle, for instance, can be assign to a residential dwelling to increase the "knowledge" rating of the city, which speeds up your technology research rate. Presumably, the people living in that dwelling are using the candle light to study books and learn things through the night. Similarly, metals, glass, and fuels can be used to craft lampposts, which can be installed in cities to reduce crime and improve the city's security rating.


Madden NFL - title

But before I get started, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that EA has actually partially addressed some of the issues that I've discussed in a previous installment of this essay series. Specifically, Madden 24, Madden 25, and College Football 25 have substantially improved player logic in loose-ball situations. Since I published the 5th essay, about loose-ball situations, EA has added a number of new animations of players diving or falling onto fumbled footballs. This has mitigated some of the frustrations that I expressed in that essay. Scooping-and-scoring does not happen nearly as often, and players are now also able to recover their own fumbles.

There are still problems with fumbles and loose ball logic, so I won't be rescinding the entire essay. Many of the criticisms are still valid. Most notably, fumble recovery animations often appear pre-determined and break the laws of physics and human anatomy. Awareness during loose-ball situations is also still hit-or-miss.

Nevertheless, EA did actually improve this area of the game, and I want to acknowledge that. As I've said before, I don't make this content simply to shit all over Madden and EA for the sake of it. I make this content because I love football, I love football video games, and I want EA to give us a better product. All my criticism is intended as constructive criticism that I hope is taken in good faith by anyone who watches. As such, I always want to give credit where credit is due.

This full essay is available in video format on YouTube.

In any case, I previously started talking about off-field strategy and team-building. Now, I want to talk more about what to do with that talent once they have been scouted, drafted, and evaluated. Today I'll be talking about another one of Franchise Mode's most glaring high-level flaws. It's finally time to talk about how Madden handles (or fails to handle) gameplanning and preparation.

At a very high level, Madden focuses its game strategy almost exclusively on what you like to do! Not off of what the opponent likes to do, nor even off of what you team is built to do. This is not really representative of how real NFL teams prepare for games. In real football, teams do not generally take their entire playbook into any given game. They install, tweak, and practice a different subsets of specific plays each week, based on what they think will work best about their upcoming opponent.

However, modifying your playbook for a given opponent has just never been a part of Madden. This is especially frustrating, because the game has a mechanism for doing this. There is a Custom Playbook and Gameplanning editor that was introduced in Madden 11, and which is still in the game after all these years. While Madden games from over a decade ago did encourage users to use this feature to customize your play-calling to your personal preferences, newer games have pushed this feature more and more into the background, in favor of EA pushing updates to the pre-set playbooks, based on the play calls from real-life teams as the real-life NFL season progresses.

This seems good on paper. Why wouldn't we want realistic playbooks based on the plays that real coaches are calling this season? Don't we want those plays and play-calling frequencies to change to more closely reflect how those coaches call plays in real life? After all, that more closely reflects how the real NFL season is unfolding, right? Sure. Those are great things for Play Now pick-up games and Ultimate Team matchups against randos. But it's not exactly ideal for playing in a simulation Franchise Mode, in which the user is ostensibly taking on the role of a head coach or general manager over the course of multiple seasons, and in which coaching decisions should be based on the events and situations within the Franchise Mode, and not on how things are happening in real-life. And that is where Madden's Franchise Mode falters.

Madden 11 introduced a gameplan editor along with its playbook editor 15 years ago.
Chicago Bears alt logo

The Bears got the head coach that they wanted, and which (I think) all of us Bears fans expected them to hire. Within a day or 2 of the Lions losing to the Washington Commanders in the divisional round of the playoffs, former Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson signed on to be the Bears' next head coach. This is something that, honestly, should have happened last year. Matt Eberflus' coaching tenure was a train wreck, and as soon as the Bears decided they were going to move on from Justin Fields and draft Caleb Williams, they should have also parted ways with Eberflus. Instead, they repeated the same strategy that has already failed for them twice before: of drafting a new quarterback, who's rookie development would be stunted by a lame duck coaching staff.

Such unbelievably incompetent management!

So are Ben Johnson and Caleb Williams doomed to repeat the failures of John Fox and Mitch Trubisky, along with Matt Nagy and Justin Fields? Obviously, only time will tell.

There are a few positive signs here. Johnson successfully rehabilitated Jered Goff's career after Goff was traded to Detroit. So he does have that history of turning things around for a struggling quarterback. Goff has been fantastic as a Lion (except for that final playoff game). He's been highly efficient, and has been good at protecting the football.

Ben Johnson with Jered Goff
Photo credit: Photo/Paul Sancya / AP.
Ben Johnson has already shown that he can help rehabilitate a struggling quarterback.

A lot of Goff's success can be traced to Johnson's success as a schemer and play-caller. So Bears fans should also have some confidence that the Bears' play-calling, blocking, and route concepts will be much more competent in 2025 and beyond. We hopefully won't see all the schematic failures that we have seen the past few years.


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The Australian children's cartoon Bluey has been in the news a lot lately. Disney is planning to add Bluey attractions to its theme parks and cruise ships. The show will be getting a full-length feature film with an expected release date in 2027. The show's creator, Jeff Blum, will also be leaving the production of the show in order to focus on the creation of that feature film. Will the show be the same without him? Who knows?

More interestingly, people on social media freaked out when Bluey was nominated for the US Critics Choice awards for 2023's "best animated series". Its competitors were Harley Quinn, Bob's Burgers, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Star Trek: Lower Decks, and Young Love. Many people were upset and (in some cases) "offended" by a children's cartoon being nominated alongside those other, more serious, "adult" shows. They argued that Bluey could be a nominee for "best children's cartoon", but that it should not be a serious contender for "best animated show".

Bluey was nominated for "Best Animated Series" in 2023, alongside Harley Quinn, Lower Decks, and others.

Those people are wrong, because whether you're a child or not, Bluey is a fantastic TV show. It is full of heart and clever writing. It also excels at visual storytelling, making the most out of its short run-times (each episode is less than 8 minutes long) to tell densely-packed (but easily-digestible) stories. It has plenty of silly episodes about children doing child things, but it also has some genuinely moving episodes that should be enjoyable to people of all ages.

To put this into a context that more of my readers would probably understand, when Bluey is at its best, it features emotional moments that make me tear up like the most sentimental episodes of Futurama. Think of moments from Futurama such as the epilogue of "Jurassic Bark", with the dog waiting outside the pizza shop for Fry to return. Or the twist in "Luck of the Fry-ish" when Fry finds the memorial to his "brother" on Mars. Or the montage at the end of "Leela's Homeworld" when we get to see all those little "happy coincidences" that followed Leela around through her youth. Or the ending of "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings", when Fry performs his opera for Leela. Bluey is full of those sorts of moments, and whenever they come around, the show absolutely nails them, every single time!

And I think Futurama is an especially apt comparison because so many of Futurama's best, most tear-jerking moments are about the relationships between family (or in some cases, pets).

Futurama - Jurassic Bark
season 4, episode 7. © Fox
Futurama - Leela's Homeworld
season 4, episode 2. © Fox
The only cartoon that I can think of that has as much heart as Bluey is Futurama.

Yes, it's true that you probably won't relate to Bluey as much if you aren't a parent. But there's also plenty here for siblings to relate to. Or if you have ever been a care-giver or baby-sitter for a young niece or nephew.

Similar to Pixar movies, Bluey is loaded to the brim with jokes, sight gags, and content that adults (parents in particular) will relate to and be amused by. Whether it's the messiness of the backseat of the car, or being kicked by a child sleeping in bed with mom and dad, or noticing a few extra gray hairs or rolls of fat, adults will see themselves and their family reflected in many of Bluey's expertly-crafted scenes. The show also does not shy away from talking about (or at least hinting at) very adult and serious topics. Several episodes focus on growing old and dealing with declining health. Other episodes touch on infertility and failed pregnancy. Yet others are about the stress or anxiety of starting a new job. Everything may be filtered through the perspective of the children, but adult subjects are brought up, and they can sometimes hit very hard.

So yes, Bluey is really that good! It deserves to be nominated for every award that it is nominated for. I haven't watched all the shows that were nominated against Bluey, so I cannot speak as to whether Bluey deserves those awards more than the other shows, but it definitely deserves to be in the discussion.


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