This weekend, I attended the Age of Chivalry Renaissance Faire at the Las Vegas Silver Bowl park. I was only able to make it on Sunday, since I ended up sleeping in too late on Saturday. And I managed to come away from the event with a neat little piece of booty: a Klingon Bat'Leth from Star Trek. It's a cheap knock-off - made in Pakistan out of Stainless Steel (according to a tiny inscription on the blade), but it still looks pretty damned good, so I'm very pleased with the find.

My plan is to hang it up on my mantle, right underneath my ForceFX Darth Vader lightsaber with detachable blade.
There was another nice piece of booty at this Ren Faire. Right after opening, while I was perusing some swords at a booth, a friend that I was with started talking to this very cute woman about her outfit and what appeared to be a very neat steampunk pistol. I'll admit that I had been checking this girl out prior to entering the faire, so I was thrilled to see a possible chance to go up and talk to her. Which is exactly what I did - or at least, tried to do. Just as I approached to say "hello", this young lady stuck out her short-shorts-clad posterior to illustrate some aspect of a costume that she was working on. She pointed it right at me, and I was caught completely off-guard, unable to do anything but stand and stare. It was a very nice posterior. This action rendered me completely speechless, and I was unable to say anything to her at all, and could only walk away quietly when my friend was finished with her discussion.
She may have even noticed me staring at her butt, and apparently didn't even mind. She may even have smiled when she did this, but that might just be wishful thinking. In any case, I spent the rest of the faire kicking myself for allowing myself to revert to the same uncomfortable, geeky introversion that prevented me from getting a girlfriend until I was in college. I thought I had gotten past that. I guess not. I am not a Jedi yet.
Even though I have the capability of talking to very cute and geeky women with little to no trouble, I apparently have not reached the appropriate level of experience to talk to them when they stick their [very cute] butt out right in front of me.
Ah well. Maybe next time.
I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with a shiny, new Bat'leth as my consolation prize.
Back to playing Dark Souls!