Wednesday, July 1, 2020 12:01 AM

"Contact" link not working

in General by MegaBearsFan
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Hi readers,

It has been brought to my attention that the "Contact" page is not working properly, and I am not receiving emails sent through that page. I migrated the blog over to a new hosting server a couple years ago, so the problem may have begun then -- even though I tested it, and it worked at the time. I'm not sure. If you've tried using the "Contact" page to send me an email in the past year or two, I did not receive the message. I was not ignoring you, and I hope you do not take it personally.

I'm going to investigate this issue when I have the time and hopefully fix it soon. I apologize for the inconvenience.

In the meantime, if you need to get a hold of me, I recommend that you do one of the following:

UPDATE I've tried testing the Contact page, and it seems to work sometimes. Some emails go through; others do not. I have yet to be able to determine why that is the case. Emails from actual readers have not been received, but I have a spam box loaded with advertisements and solicitations from French companies. I'll continue investigating as time permits, and will update my readers once I have the Contact page working reliably. In the meantime, I encourage you to continue posting comments, or use the contact methods listed above.

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Comments (3) -

02/08/2019 11:13:24 #

Hey there, this is good to know! I sent you a message a few months ago recommending that you see the new Suspiria remake, because as a fellow horror connoisseur who appreciates truly great, strange, artistic and legitimately horrifying horror, I think you'll really love it. If you've never seen the original, it was a groundbreaking film for its time and is highly respected. I don't think it's very scary by today's standards, though, and this remake is one of the most horrifying films I've ever seen. It manages to be incredibly original and refreshing despite being a remake, and the casting, acting, writing, cinematography, editing, and directing are all fantastic. I would absolutely love for you to see it and write a review about it because I really want to hear your thoughts on the film. It is a true work of art in the horror genre, a rarity in this day and age.

02/09/2019 14:24:42 #

Thanks for the recommendation Lee. I think I had heard good things about that movie. I'll add it to my list. I just wish I had more time to sit down and watch movies.

I still have a DVD of the original Russian version of Solaris (that is like 3 hours long!) that I bought last year, but haven't watched.

02/10/2019 14:46:05 #

Whoah, I didn't know Solaris was a remake of a Russian film. It was amazing until the horrendous space-zombie ending. If you watch it please tell me/us how it is! If it's worth watching I'm very interested.

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